Liberal winners vs. Conservative winners

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They’re celebrating that their new leaders will take revenge on their enemies.

What they still don’t understand is that the enemy of rich people is “non-rich people”. Not “non-rich liberals”, ALL “non-rich” people.

Conservatives are long-estsblished sore af losers (and disgustingly smug winners too lmao)

And the call themselves “pro-life”.

they aren’t celebrating shit all the ones I know in my life remain as miserable now as they were before, it’s totally hollow for them

Reminds me of Margaret Atwood: Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them. The two sides are so inordinately different they have almost no relationship.

I am trying, but just am struggling to find a bright side to what’s coming.

And then they expect us to have Thanksgiving together.

I’m truly convinced that these people were not shown any kind of affection when they were babies because they lack emotional intelligence. They also find joy in other people’s misfortune because they’re miserable.

“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”

—MAGA, 2019

I wonder how many of themselves they will kill? Many conservatives are overweight and/or old, meaning they have pre-existing conditions.

Both sides, though…


Someday, may GOP be synonymous with anti-American sludge lickers.

It’s crazy to me that they are still whining about ANYTHING…..and republican conservatives won. Like….just how unhappy are you?

They don’t want minorities to have the right to those things more than they want the right to those things for themselves.

They won and yet somehow they’re as miserable as ever. I guess that’s just what happens when your entire modus operandi is fear.

Conservatism is generally associated with killing “the others”.

But these MAGA morons are too stupid to know just how much they have benefited from Liberal Policy.

I sometimes wish we could put them into their own little isolated place in the world and see how quickly their society devolves into nothing but utter chaos and murder, all masked by foe religious-ism.

Oh, wait… They already did it. And they didn’t even have to be alone to do it… truly is a shame they think they’re on the “right path”. They can’t even agree on when America was great before, though there are common themes; Racism, Xenophobia, Trans hate, liberal tears etc.

Fuck absolutely everyone who has ever tried to equate the two parties.

I’m going to start asking businesses “when are we going to see lower prices because Trump?”

Thats wild

Well…. Why did they have to win to get those things… you’re already there..? Make it happen lady

Imagine being so naive, you believe democrats would give you health care, or cancel student loans…

They’re already in power right now, republicans haven’t taken over until January. What exactly is stopping them from doing all this now? That’s right, they don’t ever plan to do it.

You don’t have two political parties in USA, you have the capitalists who realized that making only one party would seem like a dictatorship. So they let you choose between two parties with same exact agenda: to extract as much value out of the poor, into the pockets of the wealthy.

Magas are rejoicing in the amount of suffering they’ll now be able to cause for other Americans.

Then why would you do that?

Whoa I’m not American who’s celebrating about getting to kill?

I hang out with more than a few Trump voters and I have not heard one of them celebrating how many people they get to kill with their victory…..

So dramatic 🦃

What the hell? How are they celebrating killing people, you guys are actually delusional

Liberals don’t win. They just whine about how everyone is keeping them from winning, say “what did you want us to do, we couldn’t win” then complain about how bad their options are while staying home so they can’t win.

After they self sabotage they complain more about how they’re being victimized by winners and how good things would be if only they could win.

The absolute best thing that Democrats can do is this — live your best life. Be happy. Ignore conservatives and really enjoy yourself.

Turn off the news. Cut down on social media. Lead an awesome life. It’s the best revenge for their awful decisions.

They already hate us so really we’re free of them now. This election finalized our divorce.

So go be happy and cheerful. That’s the biggest middle finger you can send to these idiots.

And for real — shut off the news. Trust me.

Enjoy yourselves democrats! ❤️

Liberals are always saying how happy they are green red states have disasters and don’t get help. Quit celebrating your fake piety.

Can we change the subname to WhiteKnightTwitter?

Because we got all of that when Biden had a blue wave? Or maybe Obama’s blue wave?

Who exactly is getting murdered?

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