Life comes at you fast

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I took that as “my mom kicked me out of her basement”.

Well itโ€™s gonna be impossible to relocate when everybody knows who you are, Nicholas J. Fuentes. Only place you can relocate is under a giant rock 1000 feet under

Nick Fuentes, admitting that he is a danger to those around him, thinks he can escape this fact by moving.

Your address, our choice. Forever.

Fuck you, Nick

His House, Our Choice..

Freedom of speech, not freedom of consequences, as they say.

I like how he uses the neighbor’s kids, any port in a storm I guess.


He’s mad that others are using his own beliefs against him. If he believes that what someone else does with their body is his choice then surely what he does with his body is other people’s choice. It’s only fair.

I thought he was a tough guy? 2A and all that shit?

At least doughboy Rittenhouse stood his ground

He is experiencing the consequences as a result of his own hatred and actions.

Do you know how many black, brown, LGBTQ+, trans people etc. have to now live their entire lives looking over their shoulder even more frequently now as a result of this MAGA/white supremacist hatred?

Innocent people are being made to live in fear due to being seen as “different”. Now he gets to live in fear too, rightfully so, but due to his own hateful words and actions.

We are the innocent being oppressed. He is now feeling “oppressed” due to his own actions, his own hate, his own hateful choices.

Boo fucking hoo. Self serving assholes, fuck off.

Unfuckable Nazi Forced to Leave Town.

His neighbors are probably jumping for joy

Hope this wimp enjoys looking over his shoulder the rest of his life

Itโ€™s like shit just happened to him for some reason ๐Ÿ™„

I hope the worst for him. Continue to dox this ass clown every time he relocates.

His body, our choice.

Well, that’s what happens when you’re an asshat to 75% of the population.

Wait a minute. In the first half, he says, “I can handle whatever comes to my front door.” Then he says,”I’ll have to pay for 24-hour security to protect myself and my property.” I think the first have may have been less than truthful

His address?

Our choice


Too bad, so sad

Love it when bad things happen to bad people

*property transfers are public information Nicky*

1826 Home Ave,
Berwyn IL 60402

He can only handle what comes to his front door as long as itโ€™s a unarmed senior citizen and a woman.

“I can handle whatever comes to my front door.”

“I have to contract 24 hour security to protect myself.”



See folks, it only took 6weeks of political action to get to outcome people desired

I guess it’s no longer ‘your body and your choice’, unless you choose to constantly move… Which it seems is what we all see in your future.

Guess he’s been left without a choice about his own body.

Poetic justice, freak.

He finally got to the feminine response. Needing to over explain why he’s scared and worried for his safety, wishing he had 24hr security to protect him. Needing safe housing from being stalked. Damage to property that pd looks past. This guy fucked around and is finding out on his knees like a good boy.

Your body, our choice of you ever having peace and security.

Make Nazis Afraid Again.

Nick when women donโ€™t want to have their lives uprooted by a rapist, assaulter, or abuser: Too bad ladies your body my choice!

Nick when his life is uprooted by his own disgusting misogyny: WWWWWAAAAAHHHHH!

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