My helper when I was playing Lost Judgement, if I win I’ll get him a pirate costume.
18 days ago
I can’t edit the post via mobile.. Possibly because I uploaded an image with the title.. oops!
In the event I can’t change it on desktop later to update it with the redditraffler link, it will be posted in this comment chain. Also I forgot to say, you must not already own the game!
Keep on piratin’
18 days ago

18 days ago
Crossing my fingers! I ended up having to put the money I’d intended for a pirate adventure on a cat checkup that turned out to be a gassy little orange. It’d be really cool to check out the newer gooder Black Flag.
That’s rad, Kyoudai

My helper when I was playing Lost Judgement, if I win I’ll get him a pirate costume.
I can’t edit the post via mobile.. Possibly because I uploaded an image with the title.. oops!
In the event I can’t change it on desktop later to update it with the redditraffler link, it will be posted in this comment chain. Also I forgot to say, you must not already own the game!
Keep on piratin’

Crossing my fingers! I ended up having to put the money I’d intended for a pirate adventure on a cat checkup that turned out to be a gassy little orange. It’d be really cool to check out the newer gooder Black Flag.
… And to run around as Goromi.
Thank you kind stranger.

thank you, michio!
Alright gonna join and hopefully get some nice MAJIMA BOOTY (Treassure and the other booty)
But in the end best of luck for everyone

Hi, i’ve been out of stable job for 1,5 years now (thanks gamedev crisis)
I need some Majoomba in my life

im just like shinada fr no money and needing this also i literally JUST finished infinite wealth