Like, actually, do they think that?

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Just like Santa.

So typical GOP. If he ain’t white, it ain’t right. Goes for Jesus, too.

It’s the idea of America personified as black that bothers her

Just to point this out, Megyn Kelly hasn’t actually said anything about this.

Uncle Sam is based off Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied provisions to the U.S. Army during the War of 1812. The initials “U.S.” on the provisions were jokingly interpreted as standing for “Uncle Sam,” referring to Wilson, and the nickname began to circulate among soldiers. Congress officially recognized Samuel Wilson as the inspiration for the Uncle Sam symbol in 1961.

What? Sam Jackson isn’t an uncle?

Don’t tell Megyn, but it was a play on Uncle Tom.

The poster was based off Lord Kitchener and he was white and real, so yeah they probably think Uncle Sam was an actual dude.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say without a doubt, absolutely yes.

They think jesus was white with blonde hair and blue eyes

The racism in this one is strong.

Guys listen to me. Let’s cause a meltdown…a Chernobyl by telling Conservatives that Rosie the Riveter was transgender.

Don’t forget, she was the one that complained that Santa Claus and Ariel are supposed to be white. Shhh don’t tell her about Jesus.

I mean, she also once did a whole segment about how Santa is white so maybe she’s just….stupid?

He was a real person. Doesn’t mean he looked like that.

oh my god get me off this ride

The earliest personification of America was Columbia, a white woman, but now the personification of America is Uncle Sam, a white man. I think in order to not offend Conservatives, we should have a white trans man personify the nation.

Samuel Wilson.

They want white Uncle Sam and black Uncle Tom.

I LOVED Samuel Jackson playing uncle Sam

He was a real person, he was white, but Samuel Jackson playing a caricature of him is a very intentional political statement, the same way the Uncle Sam persona was

Uncle Sam was our first President, have some respect!


Samuel Jackson out-Sam’s any m-f-ing Sams of any color.

They think Sam is the only iconic fictional Uncle that supports the status quo?

There is another

Tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist on top of being stupid

Maybe it was just my learnings but wasn’t he actually a real person. A quick google search states he was based off Samuel Wilson who was a meat packer and a businessman out of Troy New York.

Does she know the guy in the picture’s name…IS Sam?

Hate to break it to you but Uncle Sam is based on a real person, Samuel Wilson. From a shit hole called Troy, NY.

“They” who?

I’m sure they do. Most of them believe in a sky daddy.

Samuel L Jackson played Nick Fury, who was white in the comics, and no one cared because he’s fucking Samuel L Jackson

It’s Megyn Kelly- she isn’t known for any intelligence or integrity

Give her a break, she had to do a lot of deep throating of Roger Ailes Fett to get her career going.

Or so I’ve heard.

Technically Uncle Sam was real, or at least, the guy he was based on was, Samuel Wilson, a butcher from New York

The spirit of America is racism?

Same way they think Santa is a real, white person. So. Yes.

Sorry that they’re so triggered when they don’t get their woke DEI. /s

Shut the fuck Megyn, he can be whatever color they want him to be. US is the melting pot. Correct?

Actually, Uncle Sam may have been based on a real person. A meat packer named Samuel Wilson.

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