Liquor store in Ontario, Canada today

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I thought it was a subway station platform first lol

I thought this was a train platform.

This is a god tier illusion without even trying. Good job!

Great time to dust


More room for eggs !

Upon preliminary inspection, I originally deduced that this was a locomotive stop

I hate this. Trump single handedly alienated US from our neighbor. Sorry Canada. Keep it up though. You’re doing the right thing.

Happy to send you guys our wine from Australie to help fill those shelves back up.

I can smell the LCBO just from looking at the picture. Brings me back.

Also, good for them.

At first I thought this was a picture of a subway stop.

All those empty wine displays would be easy to fill if California became a province. 🙏

I would love to see the empty shelves full of inter-provincial and more international brands as soon as possible. Fill those empty shelves up!

And when the Americans later say “Hey, the trade war is over, restock our alcohol.”, we can say “Sorry, we don’t have any shelf space available for your products.”

THAT would make me very happy!

As an American, I fully support this. To add, I’m going to spend my money in Canada for Canada. Hope you guys get a good PM.

As a proud Californian who is proud of our wines, I still hope Canada keeps this up.

Sad to see our California wines pulled given that Californians lean strongly to the left. But tariffs are national… nothing we can do about that. We’re stuck with the orange idiot.

I thought I was looking at a train platform


I thought this was a picture of a subway station or something at first

This is what happens when you have concepts of plans.

My tired brain saw a subway platform

I’m loving walking into the LCBO and seeing the empty USA shelves…

Global boycott of US products. Stand up to Amerussia!

Next station: Californie

This is basically a optical illusion. For a second i had to catch the train to work

I thought it was just liquor, but California wine now too?

As a Californian, that has nothing but love for Canada, this makes me sad. I get it, and I hope the best for us all, but I hope the kinship is not lost. And yes, I vote every election. And yes, I am participating in the protests, and yes, I have written my elected officials. Please realize world, not all Americans are insane.

But California is on your side 🥺

I hope California becomes its own Country. I hate sharing a Country with Magats.

California didn’t vote for this.

What is the scale here? R/confusingperspective

I can’t be the only one who thought this looked like a subway platform at first glance with a random fenced area jutting out. Up until about two seconds later when I realized it was a shelf.

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