Literally just admitted it and nothing will happen

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“*What an odd thing to say.*”

we don’t need to fall into blue anon conspiracy theories. They will just flip it on us to ensure we don’t even have elections because “they are always rigged” or some bullshit

This may be the only election in history where the winner admits they rigged it.

I don’t actually think it was rigged, I think unfortunately he spoke idiot better than Kamala and people really thought he could fix the economy and him being president meant prices would be what they were last time he was in office.

But I truly believe if you got him talking and just said something like “our elections are incredibly secure, it would be impossible for someone to rig them, even you couldn’t do it.” He’d have such a hard time not saying “well I know that’s not true because I was able to do it” just so he would feel like the smartest guy in the room.

He would proudly talk about how he grabbed the election by the pussy.

**We know Elon rigged the election for Trump**.

We just can’t/won’t prove it in court. So there’s not a goddamn thing we can do about it.

**EDIT:** Also, even if we could prove it in court, I don’t think it would amount to shit. SCOTUS would just pull some, “Well, Trump has been sworn in as President, so it doesn’t matter if he cheated or not, he’s still President! Oh well~”

Unless democrats fight for a proper recount (which it’s too late now) then it doesn’t matter.

Speaking as a liberal (well more so a liberal libertarian), I say this with absolute sincerity: the Democratic Party is weak. It’s filled with members who lack the grit to fight effectively, with only a handful willing to stand up when it counts. They consistently fail to match the aggression and determination of their opposition.

If the Democratic Party genuinely stood for truth but adopted a more assertive, fire-with-fire approach instead of relying on peace and diplomacy, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Politics today demands bluntness and ruthlessness; without them, you’re not equipped to navigate the 2024/2025 political landscape.

Leaders like Harris should have said I ain’t conceding to shit without full recounts in every contested state we know you guys like to play dirty as is.

Playing nice doesn’t win battles it only ensures defeat.

Never made sense to me how EVERY swing state was lost and by such odd numbers.

They used to hide their bs but now they(rich fucks and corporations with politicians they own) just do shit out in the open cause wtf are we gonna do about it? Vote them out? Bahahahhahahahhaa

If it gets questioned they’ll say he meant Elon knew the machines weren’t rigged like 4 years ago.

Smoking gun, but his followers will eat it up. Nothing new.

Majority of republicans and plenty of democrats that all look the same as Trump are just fine with this. Why? They know the writing is on the wall. If they had to cheat to keep control in the hands of people that look like them just a bit longer, so be it.

The truth is they should have been lost power. But with bullshit zoning , not letting felons vote, scaring blacks out of voting, and convincing asians, latinos and other minorities that they are also of the “majority”, they have been able to cheat their way to holding on. Now you add in these vote counting computers….You can only cheat and still be in control.

But world numbers are this. They make up less than 15% of the world population and within 100 years will cease to exist statistically speaking. They don’t have enough kids. Nothing they can do about the numbers.

So all of this is just a last hurrah. Remember, these are the same people who instead of sharing public pools with blacks, decided they would rather trash them and destroy them. If they can’t have it, if they can’t cheat to have it, no one will have it.

They will trash and destroy this country before giving up power. Mark my words.

Before we jump to voting machine hacking, let’s remember that Pennsylvania was one of the states Elon had a million dollar lottery going on for registering voters where he conveniently only gave the money to Trump supporters.

This is just the result of normal “money is free speech so the rich have more free speech than you” type of political tomfoolery rather than clandestine computer hacking.

I think the election was a death-by-a-thousand-cuts kind of thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some rigging going on, just like there was blatant voter suppression and manipulation / riling people up about issues like Gaza on tiktok.

But even if you remove all that, I think the asshole still wins. People are just angry and stupid.

It’s not impossible. But it’s more probable to me that there are just way more stupid people in this country than we already realized.


No, he’s saying Elon rigged all the swing states.

“If I lose it was rigged, I’m the man if I win before settling on a narrative I took em all for a spin.”

-Billy Woods

Wasn’t that one of the states Elon hired “voting workers” ton”get out the vote, no judgement *nudge nudge *” and a few people came out saying they were deceived for the money offered to do so? Even moved around in U Hauls? No, I’m not crazy, that was a blink of an eye news story but was washed by other stupid shit.

You all ask how dare they, when they dare so much.

What time did Trump say this, and what time was $mel released?

A lot of voting analysts had said the same thing!

Oh it was more than PA.

I’ve never seen an election conclude so quickly, or lopsidedly.


As an orioles fan, I use to root for the AL East so I could say we sucked for a reason. I also think the O’s are eternally fucked. I hate the AL East. It’s bullshit.

Plot twist: Elon’s new job is “Chief Vote Counter of Pennsylvania.”



He only confirmed what I’ve thought since November 5th. Kamala was filling NBA arenas while Trump could barely fill venues half that size. People were walking out because he was dancing to Village People songs for 40 minutes and giving head to microphones. Talking about Hannibal Lecter.

But I’m supposed to believe he swept every swing state? Yeah no.

There’s been videos and analysis about how Dems voted for him at the top of the ballot, then voted for Dem candidates for governor or Senate. And it wasn’t just a handful of votes, it was enough to make a major difference. Unfortunately no one decided to contest the issue.

Does he just exploit his crime?

It’s giving defiance

Absolutely. Trump talks all the time about how he “weaves” these thoughts in together. If we are to believe him than he’s absolutely admitting that Elon helped steal the election.

I’m so fucking tired.

Goodness. Wonder what will be done about it.


Just another official act. Very legal and very cool


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