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This happens when normal people use scientific calculator for normal use.

It was my first or second college math class when I realized that I had used every button and every function on my calculator. Still have that calculator…

I don’t get it, I remember having to use them all the time back in school

“Hey, I have a firetruck that I use to pick up the kids at school, but the huge water tank is so fucking useless!”

Even the fraction, percent and “S<>D” are important outside of math or science classes.

They are useless because I can solve algebra in my head. It’s the + – that scares me

Not using STORE and RECALL is a funny way of saying you are an idiot.

Will I need them often? Probably not. Is it still handy to know what they do and how in the off chance I ever need them? Yes.

they sell calculators, but not scientific calculators, what would you need that for? chapter 5 exponential functions

approved put it on the list of items available at the office warehouse

I used some of those a lot back in high school and college

most useful, least commonly used, and yet people who will never plan to do more than basic math always purchase these calculators. It’s like man I knew you were dumb before you even told me those buttons were useless

The second minus sign is actually kinda useless on modern calculators.

Sin / cos ? Tu ne connais pas les cercles ?

Most of them are useful for A’ levels (juniors and seniors for the Americans) but I’ve never been able to find what the M+ or RCL buttons do for the life of me.

Dude is useless to the society

I mean, you don’t NEED a calculator if you’re just using the other buttons, it’s all addition/subtraction/multiplication/division which can still be tedious of course, but I think the whole point of a calculator is those “useless” buttons or to.plus in a REALLY long sting of numbers to add.

Well, they successfully identified a calculator, so there’s a plus.

I use those all the time tho

Ahhh normies !

OP never heard of trigonometry, logarithm, Calculus.

Was listening to a podcast and many that were speaking rattled off the version of the *Ti* graphing calculator they had in maths….life does imitate art!

Well some people certainly took this one personally

Imagine failing a math test because you didn’t know these buttons weren’t useless.

I hope she’s more Asian than me who can find square roots without a calculator.

I’m Asian and I still can’t do it.

the one top left under “Abs” was the best button ever

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