Lmfao FAFO

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It’s honestly wild that people have spent decades in meeting rooms deciding what percentage of preventable deaths will be acceptable as long as they are maximizing profits, and then figured the people beholden to these systems would just meekly accept them forever.

What’s crazy to think about is that the anesthesia decision would have gone almost completely unreported if not for the shooting.

All it takes is one to send a message

Don’t forget they’re only caving because of public pressure and unfortunate timing, NOT because “they reflected on it out of the goodness of their heart”

This doesn’t get them off of the many hooks they’re on

Ya know, maybe there IS something to that French Revolution thing with the guillotines and mobs and such.

So all I need to do to get coverage is murder an insurance CEO. Noted.

Changing course on one bad decision doesn’t absolve these CEOs from decades of poor/capitalistic decisions.

Ironically, I wonder how many lives this assassination has saved in the long run?

shithole country

I love this for the insurance industry.

BCBS just sent everyone the message that they listen to violence, lol. No amount of words will change anything, but actions speak volumes.

Oh so THIS is democracy?

I think FAFO is going to be the anthem for the foreseeable future.

Ahhh we finally figured out the language that they will listen to!

Haha it works. What else y’all want?


more… More …. MORE!!!

Nice PR but it’s just a bit of window dressing. And the (up to) $10,000 they are dangling to find the person who executed this health care decision-maker wouldn’t cover the cost of most surgeries.

The lesson learned: If you want to get shit done in these new and troubling times we have to eat the rich

Anesthesia for dental surgery cost me $600. A Ruger American in .308 costs $489.

I read a piece in the NYT that attempted to cast B Thompson in a human light. But this man has blood on his hands, as do all other healthcare execs.

Somebody decided to “cut out the middle man,” literally. Now, it’s time our lawmakers get off their asses and legislate firms like United Health out of existence.

If dude gets caught we gotta put money on his books and pay his lawyer fees

Also Connecticut threatened to drop them for their state employees and go with someone else. 

For now. Give it a month. They will quietly put it back in place


Remarkably cheap and easy to build.

And what did we learn. As much as I hate to admit it Violence has its place. Let’s see if insurance companies start thinking about the costs they’ll face if they keep fucking around

There’s so much corruption and fraud in insurance companies. This is what happens when you screw over the common man, you never know whose screw is loose enough in the head to return the favor.

Oh, is it finally time to eat?

Wow, look how fast positive change happens when it’s their lives on the line!!! Fastest protest results ever!!

ok, now lets raise a big bipartisan stink about the for profit healthcare system, especially the part about middlemen insurance providers that take all our money and deny random claims, then leech off of medicare/medicaid. 37 of 38 industrialized nations figured out universal healthcare, but the oligarchs wont relent

LMAOOOOO fuck all of them. Make those greedy ass CEOs feel nothing but fear of repercussions

How very charitable of United’s CEO to do Blue Cross’s finding out for them.

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How much has her security budget gone up?

lol it sounds like we need to sacrifice more CEOs

That shooter is going to save more lives than he took

Oh look, isn’t that sweet — they’re *learning*!

Until this blows over.

Now what have we learned today…

When assholes overstep their bounds,
violence works!

They will wait for things to cool down and quietly implement this policy in 6 months.

Do you think the decision came down from the CEO?

Violence does work!

Can someone do housing investment firms next? I would like to own a starter home without competing with a multi million dollar conglomerate

They only care about their own lives, not the lives of many that died because they denied medical care.


Now they’ve just proved assassination attempts work

Let’s do car insurance next

If this is true, this pisses me off even more than them simply not covering it. Suggests to me that the move wasn’t necessary at all and was only reversed in fear of public retaliation.

Hit them some more and you never know what might fall out.

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