Lobster Diver in hospital after being swallowed and spat out by a large humpback whale

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Lobster Diver Michael Packard, (56) initially thought he was inside a great white shark, but he couldn’t feel any teeth and he hadn’t suffered any obvious wounds. It quickly dawned on him that he had been swallowed by a whale. Packard estimated he was in the whale for 30 to 40 seconds before the whale finally surfaced. He was later released from Cape Cod Hospital Friday afternoon with what he described as “a lot of soft tissue damage” but no broken bones. He said he’d return to diving as soon as he was healed.

Jonah not again

I bet he never shuts up about this

What’s the ICD-10 code for “swallowed by a whale”?

Weak. According to the Bible (which is factually correct) you can live in a whale for like nearly four days. This guy did 30 seconds and ending up in the E.R.

He is now known as Jonah


whale knew what he was doing. Carried him in his mouth to the surface and spat him out! “GET OUTTA HERE!”

Jonah we talked about this

Reason for visit: Eaten by whale

Whale: ohh i swallowed a fly ewwww sooo nasty now its gonna taste human all day….i keep trying wash it out with water but feels like its still in there!

Bro got the biblical treatment

🎵LOBSTER DIVER!!! You’ve been down too long in the midnight sea.🎵

I wonder if there were witnesses, lol🐋


it’s a good story nevertheless

For a second there I thought this dude survived being pooped out by a whale. It was very confusing until realized he wasnt completely swallowed, just sort of chilling in the whales mouth for a bit

Whale didn’t like hair in it’s food…..

no baleen whale is physically capable of swallowing a human being. he was briefly enclosed in its mouth.

Dude, just obey and go to Nineva.

A few more seconds and maybe he’d find the future location of the lost city of Atlanta

Well that’s a story to have.

he had a whale of a time😆

Friends are gonna call him Pinocchio lol

Moby is a dick, that’s for sure


He is winning every game of “Never Have I Ever” for the rest of his life

So it’s possible……dude needs to get into training camp. Three days and three nights is the record.

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