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Can he shoot?

Sure he will he reprimanded for that too

This man woke up and chose unemployment.

When petty meets fearless, a true workplace legend is born.

I need this

Pretty sure this is the guy from techroastshow- ie this is part of a sketch, not real

He has a nice jaw line. I hope he gets his severance pay.

Approved by sexual harassers everywhere

Seen this meme 100 times

They do work specifically to protect the company….no matter what they say.

And just as a PSA to a parent or any kid in college…. Always go through that towns police department instead of campus security and school meditation in instances of any kind of assault. They too work to protect ‘the man’.

Got dayum. Where can I get this?

The anti-personnel department

I reason that as Defend and was wondering why he wanted to defend someone who he did not like.

There is no way he had that just sitting in a closet or something

This is exactly what billionaires are doing to America

This is more or less the plot to most of Michael & Toby’s interactions on the Office lol


HR is the first window into the world that there are two sets of rules:

1 for the rulers. 1 for the plebs.

Defund, Deny, Decommission


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