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Then they hit you with “you gotta learn to be patient.”

Yeah, this is a regular problem for regular people too

Welcome to my life

lol facts. My girl is a story teller by nature, likes to take the long scenic route and deeply explain situations or thoughts she has and this is exactly how it feels while I’m painfully trying to survive her stories.

Nothing to do with ADHD

Not only have I figured out the sentence, I have formulated the perfect response.

The problem?

They said one word that I didn’t expect which made me think of 3 separate life occurrences, a song, a movie, and possible future life events that are all related, or indirectly related to that word.

And because of this, I have completely forgot what I was going to say and rambled nonsense and gibberish instead. Now this person thinks I’m a moron, wants nothing to do with me, and I am sad for being rejected even though I was not directly rejected and this person probably still likes me.

So,,,, I have ADHD and I don’t know? Cause I relate to every other ADHD post

This isn’t an ADHD thing. This is just normal life.

Not everything is a pathology.

It’s like “GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!!” but in my mind

*finish a sentence they think they understood but were instead projecting where they thought the sentence would go.

They *think* they understood.

Sometimes they’re right, but not always, and by not learning to wait and see you disrespect the person you’re trying to listen to.

This is not unique to those with ADHD

Confirmation bias. I bet 90% of the time you assume you know what they’re talking about, stop listening, and start drafting or blabbing your response and miss what they meant entirely. Learn to actively listen or just don’t take your headphones off.

a sentence they *think* they already understood

My girlfriend thinks she knows how I’m gonna finish my sentence and has already tuned out – but she gets it wrong/has no idea what I’m actually gonna say like 25% of the time and it’s really annoying

Funny meme but seeing the other comments… Unpopular take: Theres other reasons for this too, like lack of interest in others, unlearned social etiquette, arrogance, narcissism, etc

And yes. Lack if patience is also a real thing. ADHD aint an excuse for everything

God yall are fucking insufferable. You’re not some super geniuses who can anticipate sentences unlike all the rest of the dumb Neurotypicals. EVERYONE can do that, they’re just not asshole who get mad about having to listen to someone articulate their thoughts in full

*Think* they understood.

Yeah… my wife has big time ADHD and this is definitely her.

Except she rarely actually understands what I’m saying immediately, and once she’s decided she has it figured out she kinda stops listening, and the resulting conversation is a lot longer and more frustrating because of it. Especially when the thing she thinks I was going to say is something rude or mean spirited and she gets mad at me.

ADHD isn’t a superpower. Please let your loved ones speak for themselves.

Me listening to my ADHD person launch the conversation in completely the wrong way because once again, they didn’t listen to the whole thought. 

where’s his skin at?

Wtf I’m not diagnosed but I go through this

Is this just bait and not really exclusively related to ADHD or should I see a doctor??

God this true

me trying not to finish everyone’s sentences

I’m convinced that ADHD is just an excuse for poor behavior

That… explains a lot. I thought it was my habit of skipping dialog in games getting the hang of me in RL conversations 😄

I have to work so fucking hard to not constantly interrupt people.

I don’t know how often I have to tell you guys (and my gf) I don’t fucking have ADHD.

I can imagine how lost patient they are when they older

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