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That’s kind of a weird thing to brag about- thank god you said it on the internet for the world to see

The idea of bringing a woman over and, before doing anything with her, telling her to wash the dishes for you first is as hilarious to me as making a guy fix your garage door.

Did he still get laid? Because then it’s just a basic transaction.

Only a Moron fucks with garage doors.

I guess it would be okay if the credit still went to the person doing the work…

So, I was dating a woman who had a broken toilet seat. First time at her place, I notice it. She said the landlord hadn’t fixed it yet.

I replaced the toilet seat. It’s just what you do.

Ain’t no way I’m fixing a garage door at 3am

My landlord has 3 or 4 guys who she does this to all the time. Latest is one putting in a sink that he bought into our living space. I can’t imagine how desperate I’d have to be to do contract work for a chance in the sack.


I guess I wouldn’t mind doing some handyman shit for a girl I just met. But I guess the difference is the implications of the request. You’d probably only ask someone to fix something if that was something you couldn’t do yourself. But doing dishes and making sandwiches is something pretty much anyone can do. So it’d be kinda insulting to ask a woman (well, anyone really) to do that for you. I think a better parallel would be to ask a woman to fix your cloths or how to get some dried gunk off your stove top or something.

I once brought a girl over to my dorm room and she ironed my sheets before doing the dishes. Absolute legend.

To be fair, I’ve walked into a hookup’s home and just started fixing stuff (loose door knobs, sticky doors, jenky cabinets, dripping sinks, rattling ceiling fans, etc) because things like that actually drive me fucking crazy

The duality of woman


My homie brought home an attack helicopter and he made it reclaim america’s freedom !!

Why do I not believe her?

Difference is that a guy would do it to impress the girl. A girl doesn’t feel like she’d be impressing a guy by doing dished

TBH it’s fine. Come on, it’s obvious men and women have different dynamics in hooking up, and it’s lighthearted to have a man do manly things because he’s strong.

Classic reddit getting pissed off at inconsequential bullshit

The sad thing about this is that the guy she brought home was probably happy to be “useful.” Young men are depressingly desperate to be valuable.

I know this whole thing is a joke and shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but it does highlight a sad reality.

If I could fix a garage door and prevent anything bad from happening, I 100% would since I just gotten to know this person.

I’d happily fix someone’s broken shit idk why he’s upset. Maybe he’s mad nobody brings him home

That’s always a good test to see if something sounds off. Just flip it.

To me, that’s still funny.

If you see a woman get angry over something like that, she’s just shown you that she’s extremely manipulative, is entitled af, and has a very toxic ego.

Recommend avoiding the f&^k out of. No-one needs that poison in their lives.

(I keenly await the bleatings of name-callers, just to prove how right I am).

I llaughed to both

Men need to unionize against the society that put them into this role instead of complaining to random people online

If a girl came over and offered to wash my dishes I’d wife her up so fast

And how about stop being offended by any of these? If both of these people agreed to do it, why should anybody think it is some issue?

Yes, it’s funny either way

As a dude, I’m happy to replace fuses, program garage doors, pretty much any menial task for a blow job. Shit, I’ll bring a woman home and make her a sandwich if she’ll let me eat her ass.

I’ve done a lot worse for a lot less action.

I mean many times I have done odd quick jobs around a female friend’s house and gotten sex afterwards. If it makes us both feel better, why not?

I have an ex wife and at one point I think we both still wanted to sleep together but had no reason to. She had a light fixture that was acting stupid and a running toilet. I fixed those things and we both felt comfortable banging it out after. 

It’s all about consent

Most women don’t know how to fix a garage door or a blown fuse. On the other hand, most people are capable of cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. 🤷‍♀️

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