London has fallen

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You keep Norway out of this!

With kind regards, a Norwegian.

TIL Europe installed sharia law without me noticing although I live in Europe.

It’s true, I’m from the UK and Shakira law has been installed by these cool cats

The hips don’t lie

I remember that British cunt was making a video about she was in an area the police had abandoned and said it was no-go for non Muslims.
First of all her camera man was on the grass of Norway’s biggest police station. 
There was only one person passing by when she was filming; a blond girl in her early 20’s out jogging. 

They need to stop lying about our countries 

Brit here. London is on its feet and definitely not fallen.

That’s what Y’All Quada does when they are in Power…

Say what you like about Alabama they know how to play a banjo.

America: *Has weekly school shooting olympics*

Also America: *Lectures the entire world about how unsafe other countries are*

Cool story, bro.

I don’t remember those bits of Gerald Butler’s *magnum opus.*

Says a person who’s probably never been to any of those places.

Some people say parts of Norway aren’t safe if you’re white? Nonsense. I’m practically see-through and live in one of the more diverse areas of Oslo—never had any trouble while out and about.

USA is getting very close to upgrading from “unreliable self-absorbed opportunistic allies” to “a bunch of morally inept greedy vultures that shouldn’t be associated with just like Russia.”

Russia has always had a disgusting superiority complex and my country along with most of Europe told them to go be superior elsewhere.

USA needs to be humbled in the same way. You guys wanna leave NATO? Do it. That way we can focus on creating plans without you in the equation and hopefully eventually get to a system that functions without your oligarch asses who won’t be shit if we stop doing business.

Leaders of the free-world my ass, even with a mutual enemy it’s a chore to get you to help out.

When you finally do, you try to block what you promised to give and when it arrives the damage is already done. And now when things finally start to get somewhere you elect another leader that will undo everything and make moves that will help our enemy.

We should be associating with your government once it figures out how to save itself and be trustworthy.

I’d apologise but I’m tired and disgusted.

Keep talking shit, hopefully the economy will be bad enough that you can’t afford to be a tourist.

Fuggen hell and merry fucking Christmas. Hope y’all enjoy the nog as much as me.

You can always tell who watches Right Wing media because they can’t go five minutes without telling some bullshit story about Muslims taking over Europe. It’s one of their favorites, right next to trans women stealing gold medals from cis women.

I live in London. It’s a shit hole, but that’s nothing to do with islamic influence.

It’s just old, poorly planned and full of disgruntled people.

I’m in Norway right now. Where is it not safe?

what part of sharia law do these people even oppose?

blaming women for what men do to them? no

taking away bodily autonomy? no

killing gay people? no

killing trans people? no

killing anyone you don’t like? no

seriously what part of the scary sharia law do they not like?
(i know sharia isn’t actually this flatly evil, but it is in their mind, yet they agree with the scary supposed rules)

I had an American colleague ask me on a video conference call with my office in Basel Switzerland if Malmo was as dangerous as they saw on tv, and what the average Swiss thinks about how Sweden has fallen to Islamic immigrants. I told him that it was like a thousand kilometers from my house so I don’t have strong feelings, and I suspect the average Swiss doesn’t really care about internal Swedish politics and policies. He seemed confused by my lack of a strong response. I think he is one of those Americans that gets news from right wing nutters.

Sharia law is great. Banks aren’t allowed to charge interest on debts.

Is the first guy from Alabama? Or how does Alabama come in the picture?

Europe needs to just forget about the US, its becoming a third world country run by ignorant scared people.

Got a source for that Alabama law? I need details in case someone challenges me when I mention it.

London’s fine,
– A Londoner

“These days, if you say you’re English these days, you’ll be arrested and thrown in jail…”

Ok what they aren’t telling you. Say a Muslim couple wants to get divorced but clearly have to take account of their religion so go to a sharia court for guidance on how it should be done , it doesn’t overrule British law in any way shape or form the law is the law no matter who you are.

Same analogy! Yes! However, it’s not religion against religion, it’s fundamentalism over sanity.

Guys this isn’t islam in islam a rapist get killed

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