“LONG LIVE THE KING!” -President Donald J. Trump

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I feel like those heads should be swapped…

The hyenas eat Scar at the end of that movie.

Showing my age, but I kinda feel like the thumb-sucking Prince John from animated Robin Hood (where they are all foxes) would be a better fit.

All Hail McDonald Trump, the Burger King! 🍔

It should be the other way around

I thought Americans had revolutions in the face of kings? 


Fuck that traitor.

You got the heads on the wrong people. The rapist is definitely not smart enough to be Scar.

This is giving them both too much credit.

That isn’t a pic, it is photoshop art. You should make a subreddit where such works can get the credit and attention they deserve.

The plotting hands 😂

I am just glad republicans are done with that fake 1776 patroitism bullcrap. They can finally admit they wanted to be subjects of the crown. They can finally be openly cuckold by the wealthy nobles.

“Then you have sentenced us to death!”

“Then so be it.”

“You can’t do that!”

“I am the king! I can do whatever I want!”

“If you were half the president Obama was-”


(Sounds about right.)

Scar got fucked over in the end. Maybe watch the movie again lmao

That’ll be a Rule 2 violation there bud





“Inside me there are two hyenas.”

i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again, watch the hands people

I prefer the Lord of the ring reference with this whispering creature…

Need switched

Call your reps and ask them how their knees are doing since they are bending to a king now!

Remember when pics was for cool pictures of our world? I used to find such cool stuff here

I don’t do that to scar

More than a few fries short for those happy meals.

“Ahh, my friends”

“friends? I thought you said we were the enemy?”

Wait so if America is now Russia’s ally and Russia is China’s ally then America is now Ally’s with China?


Hey you forgot the Swastika in the background

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