Lot of people need to hear this.

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Devide then exploit has been the way for the people with power for centuries, it won’t change untill it stops working.

Do not get mad at the dope addict, they have already hit rock bottom. Get mad at the demons that make a 1000% profit on life-saving medications.

Or, why are those black market dope manufacturers making dope instead of insulin?

A lot of people also need to hear this:- The person that first created insulin effectively made the patent free for everyone in the world. It was a fantastic act of humanity. All countries in the world except the USA just charge people the production costs, the drug is only a few dollars a month.

The USA took the free drug modified it slightly and then patented the modified drug. There is no beneficial difference in the modified drug, however only the modified drug can be sold in the USA. Drug companies can then make a fortune.

I am not blaming the addict, but Narcan is free so the pharmaceutical companies can keep pushing opiates.

Putting aside the obvious issue with that statement, it’s not like dope addicts are re-upping their Narcan every month.


Even if the Narcan was not free the insuline would still be 750 dollars…

What is this logic even. Demand lower prices not that others get exploited aswell lmao

Narcan is free to make it so the poor drug addicts aren’t sent to the hospital to use up services and then not have insurance that covers it. It gets the drug addict to a stable enough place that they can refuse treatment and no go to the hospital.

Isn’t for profit Healthcare great. They even planned ways to keep the non paying druggie out.

Narcan isn’t something a drug addict regularly takes either, it is meant to keep them from OD’ing. This person just doesn’t know how anything works

Because the rich need dope addicts to keep up their culture wars.

My library has boxes of free Narcan. I would love it if they also had free boxes of insulin.

Get people to think something isn’t fair, and they’ll focus on it real hard.

A mechanic that can be, and is, abused by the rich and powerful to get everyone not in their group to hate each other.

£9 for three months worth here in the UK or completely free with exception certificates but Hur dur sOcIaLiSms amirite

Narcan is like 40 fucking dollars at my pharmacy

This isn’t attacking narcan, it’s using it as an example. “This other drug is able to be free, but insulin is $750”, the question is rhetorical and calls attention to the price gouging

Crabs in a bucket, man. 

Reminder that in a free market, insulin would be cheap

How they get such cheap insulin?

We fought for Narcan distribution and fought for funding.

Ugh. Please. Both are valid points.

Insulin is now max $35 per month, thanks to Biden. So why were they not screaming that from the rooftops in the last election!!! 🤔

Because you can’t get 750 off of a dead junkie.

The investor class would rather convince you to punch down on the most vulnerable and do a Nazi thing than make slightly less money in one unethical investment.

Because your insulin is $35 a month is why

2 reasons. First, the more addicts around and walking like zombies down the streets, the more they can frighten voters into letting them take more of their money and rights away.

Second is they manufacture those drugs. There aren’t secret labs creating all of them and smuggling them into the country. They manufacture them and distribute them just like they did Crack to the poor and minority communities in the 70s 80s 90s. They can’t let their customer base die.

The answer to both questions is capitalism, capitalists know it’s wasted energy to try and squeeze $750 a month from someone already giving twice that + to the unregulated opioid black market, aka super capitalism.

You on the other hand, what are ya gonna do start stealing insulin? What are ya some kinda communist?

The “black people” is silent.

I think analogies can help people empathize

Both can be true

both questions are valid

Still a good question though

For a type 1 diabetic they’re perfectly within their rights to ask this question. Take care of them before the dope heads.


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