Love is in the air

By akin975
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Dude, everyone knows it’s dangerous only if it’s spreading in egypt

Round 2

we are used to

That will never affect us. Never did!

not again

Interesting that the person showing concern for the well-being of the group seems to be the person being left out of the group.

If every time some new thing would completely blow up half tye planet we’d been in permanent lockdown since 1990s. Most of the time it resolves itself quite soon. Covid hit the sweet spot of spreading fast enough to be a super spreader while being not deadly enough to kill its host too fast, having not enough symptoms to be somewhat undetected a lot of the time but also be dangerous enough to be a serious threat to have us take large measurements. Some new disease coming up is nothing new, it having the optimal bingo board for those qualities is.


Ok, what did they eat this time?

So? It’s not like I can do anything about it. Then why should I care?

The big pharma and the elites will sleep on it and not let it be reported till it gets big enough to be profitable and they will use right wing conspiracy nuts to say it’s not serious and to spread disinformation and conspiracy theories so that people will not take it seriously

good for you

Covid made in china

Nobody care is normal. They only care when their country infected or entire world.

But i am standing here and see season 3 of SARS coming in next 5 years.

We already have that crossed on apocalypse bingo. China needs to get some new material.

Please….not again.

I will not get another fucking vaccine that hasnt been properly researched just because my country thinks they can force me to! I simply do not care

I remember these memes when covid just started and laughing at them, then the rest is history.. let’s see what happens this time

At this point, I don’t really care. If I die I die. I’ll follow whatever mandates are put out, but I’ll be damned if I care about humanity anymore.

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