Luigi got everybody going crazy

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I was about to buy one and they are sold out 😭

If everyone wants to show up on Wall street wearing these like it’s V for Vendetta I’m down.

I’m surprised they have enough stock to still be in stock. Someone would have had to have made a bet that they’d need a ton of Luigi caps, and lucked out. I wonder what else Amazon has way too much stock?

Mama mia!

Sold out…

Really showing those greedy CEOs by pumping more money into Amazon lmao. This is fucking hilarious, like a god damn comedy sketch.

Luigi is a man of the people.

LOL! I work with Bioworld as one of my suppliers. We regularly get lists of how many of each item is in stock and available, and then other lists for clearance stuff and bulk buy stuff. Long story short, they have nowhere near 100,000 units available of this in stock. Like maybe, MAYBE, 6000 in stock at any given time and that’s like when a new batch makes it to their warehouse. There are going to be a lot of people waiting a hell of a long time, or a lot of people getting refunds.

I’m so glad I bought mine years ago for a go-karting day out and never bothered getting rid of it.

If this happened in October the number of sexy Luigis

I had one in the 5th grade…… a group of kids played keep away with it during recces, and they broke the puff ball, and I cried. Truly a player 2 moment

Expect luigi to be the most preferred choice of costume on Halloween next year.

FBI be like – Drone Targets nice

Sometimes the internet is a beautiful place

I’m Luigi!

It’s fake unfortunately

Imagine if this happened a couple weeks before Halloween

I don’t get the joke, please explain. I am from Europe

Oh can this be the uniform to match to Washington

There is a deep and painful irony in buying these hats from a horrible place like Amazon. 

This screenshot brought to by web inspector.

(That means it’s fake)

I checked on this exact product hours ago when I first saw it circulating. The actual text said “100+ sold in the last month.”

This is fake. Everyone saying “sold out” lmao

Set up a go fund me for his legal expenses.

That’ll show support, give CEOs even more money.

Mario is Super, but Luigi is the hero. Wonder if everyone’s FB is gonna be Luigi

one of the worlds richdst men profits from health care ceo death. bet jeff didn’t see that coming. $2,000,000 in sales in 24 hours. you lot are fucking idiots

Nintendo is gonna sue so hard

Is there a flashmob being planned outside court?


They’re still available in xl

What’s next, everyone going to buy the fire flower……wait, hold up, it was just a suggestion, don’t need the feds knocking at my door…..

Nintendo lawyers are sweating lol

Fuck, sold out

i’m so sleep deprived i read pom as porn

No fucking shot. How rich those people got off of this… Ngl I’m literally shocked. 

Mostly because this is a stupid beanie lol

woahhhh, that’s a lot!


Didn’t even know Luigi was so popular, in Mario kart, I would always pick Donkey Kong or Bowser

I’m just glad his name wasn’t Pepe

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