Luigi Mangione could walk free, legal experts say. Insurance companies have killed millions of Americans. Every jury will include victims.

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I saw a courtroom once where an insurance company lawyer was talking about jury selection. He was insisting they would need a large pool of potential jurors to select from because so many people have had negative experiences with insurers.

Real “Risk?” RISK? This guy is a hero. I’d rather let him take charge of the healthcare system.

Stupid headline. Risk my arse.

Nonsense headline.

It’s not a risk, it’s a hope.

You mean the gigantic photo-op perp walk with two SWAT teams and the fucking mayor like Luigi is fucking Hannibal Lecter? Now how is that atypical??? 🙄

I’m surprised a headline included a pic of him cleaned up for court. Gay men from sea to shining sea are rapidly becoming class coscious as we speak. *Extremely* class conscious.

Sadly they’ll just Epstein him in the cell if that happens.

Wait are they actually starting to figure it out?

If someone connected with the L. Mang to make a podcast, I’d certainly give it a listen. Not such a blind acolyte to stay tuned in if it sucks, but I’m searching for social justice any way I can get it at this point. Very tired of our hidden caste system.

Not killed, they have murdered them with malicious intent for money!

I mean, the same thing happened with OJ, so yeah it could happen again.

This case will be hard to *prove*. Do they have a murder weapon? How do they know it was him firing the weapon? Did they get gsr off his hands?

This is excellent news for most people

Not for out of touch CEOs though

zero chance, the lawyers get to screen the jury pretty exhaustively.

Doesn’t the introduction of a terrorism charge negate a jury trial these days? Seems like a Scalia thing.

Tbh, I still think his arrest was an inside job. Luigi had everything on him, the person who called him out did not call the bounty number, and also the distance between his arrest and where he murdered the CEO is the same weird number he keeps on throwing around. I have faith this court situation may turn out the way we want almost because of this.

Eric Adams is a tool. Fuck the healthcare system. Medicare for all

If it does happen, it’ll inspire more.

Which is exactly what we need to get any real change

All you have to do is explain why he killed this monster of a ceo, and watch them struggle to contain all the dead Americans they have buried in their backyard. These people were pure evil and needed to be stopped just like Hitler in WW2.

Despite how determined the elite are to try and paint this man as a murderer before he’s even had his case tried in court, I can guarantee most Americans would feel safer with him in charge of their health insurance than that Robinson sociopath.

The prosecution is gunna need a jury pool deeper than Marianas Trench if they want to actually convict him.

I just can’t imagine they would allow a normal, impartial, by the law jury trial to play out. For exactly the reason stated above.

> Barbara McQuade, a former federal prosecutor for the Eastern District of Michigan, told Salon that the terrorism charge fits the state’s definition of terrorism. In New York, a crime is considered terrorism if it is done “with intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion or affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination or kidnapping.”

By this definition, what he did doenst’ seem like terrorism at all. Jesus.

That’s kinda the plan… shhh.

It will never happen. They will never allow this to happen.

One or more billionaires have the money to put multiple bounties on him… Some poor fool already ratted him out “for a reward.” Pretty risky.

My coworker tried to say “You’re supporting a murderer.”

And? Insurance has murdered people from lack of care that they needed.


I would say whatever it took to get me on that jury, and there’s no way it could go worse for him than mistrial at the end.

In a just world, not this one.

Don’t rich MFs get out of jail all the time thanks to being part of the good ol’ boys club?

I would say the NYPD blatantly posting pictures of 3 various men saying it was the same guy, when none if them look like Luigi is a big oops for their case. Anyone could have gotten swept up, and cops plant evidence on them.


That’s very unlikely. The judge is going to order both attorneys to discuss the facts of the case and declare a mistrial if any aspect of that is brought up. He will probably plead guilty and accept 20 years and may not ever get paroled. Or they will ram him through a death penalty trial where it’s open and closed proven he shot him and that’s all the jurors will be allowed to consider.

2020’s OJ trial

I was on a jury not long after the OJ Simpson trial. The guy we picked as our foreman tried to pull off jury nullification. Nice try. (This was not even a criminal trial.)

It’s actually a pretty interesting aspect of the law.

Imagine you kill the worst person in the world and make the world a better place.

By every definition of the law you are a murderer. But the jury says no because everyone believes it was the correct thing to do. Now that opens a can of worms in regards to precedent and other issues.

But it also creates a valid warning to people being the worst person in the world. You are less safe than you thought because the law doesn’t protect you like it protects someone else.

You need to change how to interact with the law and people.

But you don’t even need to be the worst person in the world you just have to be different enough in a town full of discrimination. Being black in many countries for instance.


Like the whole Trump indictment thing, I’ll believe it when I see it.

I see how the Dotard gets off every charge, even when he’s guilty. So, I hope jury nullification would be agreeable to all.

I hope so.

They’re not wrong. He’s done way less than insurance companies do every single day while politicians beg for more corpses.

You think the feds are going to let him walk?

Here comes the meme of a court room full of Luigis

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