Luigi Mangione is the federal government’s newest excuse to monitor an overwhelming majority of Americans

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Monitor Deez nuts fed bois.

So.. they’re monitoring just about everybody.

Uh… that’s all of us.

Anyone who views American health insurers positively; please help me understand your perspective. I would love to be so optimistic.

So everyone. Got it.


They’re monitoring Americans who recognize the class war

iTs OnLy PeOpLe WhO HaTe HeAlTh InSuRaNcE cOmPaNiEs

What else is new? We knew they were monitoring the entire population for a decade and a half already lmao

I wonder how the overwhelmingly positive sentiment towards Luigi has these people feeling. If they didn’t know how close we are to our breaking point before, they have some idea of it now.

This is a real and scary use case for AI. AI has access to all of our posts and social media use. It generates a list of people to monitor. Assigns threat levels.

Real 1984 shit.

Monitor me ya fuks. I think the entire health insurance agency should get colon cancer and the AI processing their claims denies them all.

Huh… Well anyways.


They were already monitoring us. We all just got an extra cell in their spreadsheets right next to our gender and our marital status.

Edit for my spy: Can you please help protect my data from the next hack? I mean how do you know what I do online is even me anymore? Anyway hope your mom is doing well. Say hi to your dog for me. I hope you like that last joke I told my mom when we talked. I wrote it for you. Love you. Xoxoxo

Who *doesn’t* have a negative view of health insurance companies in this country?

America isn’t a country, it’s a wealth extraction pool.

smaller republican government they said

Only another 199,999,999 of us to find.

lol that’s a pretty broad net to cast.

They’re going to be monitoring a LOT of people then, it seems.

I’d be surprised if you could find someone with a “favorable” opinion of health insurance companies.

So carte blanche on surveilling the poors got it

Im surprised they have the manpower to monitor everyone in the country

That means they are monitoring essentially everybody.

How dare you speak out about bad service from a monopoly. How dare you question the systems that makes us rich.

Even [United Healthcare’s own employees are suing them.](

This is gonna be a giant ass list.


This announcement has to be a scare tactic.

Fuck them, too!

If you thought they WEREN’T monitoring people who criticize giant corporations or politicians before, you aren’t paying attention.

Reminder to the feds monitoring us; Your rich masters hate you too. They don’t give a shit about you except for exploiting you. Corporations have no right to run this country.

You know they flagged everyone with a chronic illness at the jump. With Diabetes, I have never said a good thing about health insurance. 

They are going to be monitoring a lot of doctors and nurses. When a doctor has to spend three hours on the phone to get a patients cancer treatment approved, we have a problem (true story btw, my friend had to do this). 

The nanny state is in full effect. The tech oligarchy takeover has been completed. We are fucked


Use your endless pockets to protect Americans from health insurance companies, pricks.

So everyone except health insurance companies and the politicians they buy.

Hey feds, I want to be the next Luigi

Well then they should know how pissed off we all are about and do something to change it.

So everybody?

But but tick tok and china monitoring

We already know the government is monitoring the entire country.

Well if they’re getting paid to monitor me, they can answer all the collections calls I get.

It would be a shorter list if they found the people with positive views.


Saw that coming ‘miles ago’

So in other words they are monitoring the majority of the country..

Great so they’re monitoring… everyone lol

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