Luigi Mangione’s 2016 Yearbook picture

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โ€œIn July 2024, the Wall Street Journal concluded that UnitedHealth was the worst offender among private insurers who made dubious diagnoses in their clients in order to trigger large payments from the governmentโ€™s Medicare Advantage program. The patients often did not receive any treatment for those insurer-added diagnoses.

The report, based on Medicare data obtained from the federal government under a research agreement, calculated that diagnoses added by UnitedHealth for diseases patients had never been treated for had yielded $8.7 billion in payments to the company in 2021 โ€“ over half of its net income of $17 billion for that year.โ€


Wonder if Robert Lee ever conversed with Dr. Thornberry.

I guess โ€œDeny, Depose, Defendโ€ could be considered his best put-down line

He had me at โ€œinsult to the American peopleโ€.

You could say, he excels at shooting his shot

‘are you a ceo because I’m shooting my shot at you’

I’ll never understand how reddit does what it does. I don’t even know if I could find my own yearbook picture.

Robert E. Lee is the only rebel I see in this image. The other is a revolutionary.

Rizz is a pre-existing condition

Are you a CEO, Cuz I’d like to blast you from behind.

โ€œHey girl, I want you just like my medical procedures. Uncoveredโ€

What I donโ€™t understand is why other harmful or predatory business executives like media executives not received the same scrutiny as insurance execs? Theyโ€™re massively responsible for the divisiveness and deterioration of our society. Fox News, CNN, the list goes on and on. Just look at how theyโ€™ve reported this eventโ€ฆ

Irresistible since day 1 ๐Ÿ˜‚

Free Luigi ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

โ€œBest at pickup lines,โ€ and also pretty good with put-downs.ย 

Imagine getting dropped by this cutie patootie

Poor Blake Leonard – Class Hologram.

Joe Biden presidential pardon?

The dude’s best pickup line was “Hi.”

damn. this skill was his demise.

Damn so he broke his back breaking backs? Legend

Give me that face and that body and I’d be pretty good at pickup lines too, and I’m dumb as shit

The only crime is that we might not be able to see his beautiful smile again๐Ÿฅบ

So he was a ladies man too

In his yearbook at an all boys school. Not only is he a class warrior, heโ€™s also a gay icon.

Sometimes, all you gotta do is shoot your shot

Why people are digging up his personal stuff ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Yeah, but Blake Leon is the Class Hole

David Franco will be playing this guy in the inevitable film adaptation.

Who is Dr. Thornberry? Also, the guy on the top right, Best Hol-what? Holder? Hologram? Dying to know.

Heโ€™s the total package.- Also the best at put downs.

Unrelated to the post but its so disgusting how all the news medias are trying their best to make him look bad ig โ€œ if you go against the rich the poor will betray youโ€

Every corner of this manโ€™s life is being dredged up for the internet to dissect. Something about that feels wrong and gross to me.

let’s go class of 2016 represent!!!

I would pay to listen to a conversation between Robert Lee and Mr. Thornbery

Every old picture I’ve seen of this guy – not only does he have this million watt smile, but it reaches his eyes as well. In other words he looks just like the descriptions of himself from friends that have been going around – friendly, humble, kind. In other words – what the _fuck_ radicalized him so hard?

Are you a pre-approval form? Because every time I try to get close, you keep denying me.

Stop it, reddit. I can only get so hard.

Just read somewhere that his back injury kept him from being able to be intimate with women. That outcome is a cruel turn of events if youโ€™re are good at pickup lines.

We need Robert Lee to restore the peace

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