Luigi Mangione’s most recent review on Goodreads. “When all other forms of communication fail, violence is necessary to survive.”

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Netflix true crime girls are gonna go crazy over him
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The last thing he liked on Goodreads is also quite interesting.
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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK

Suspect this is just the beginning. Can expect to see many more copycats in the months and years ahead. People view this guy as an inspiration. And are they wrong?

Whether he turns out to be the shooter or not, he’s right here. The oligarchs are making peaceful progress impossible for us.

This reminded me of Clair Cameron Patterson. Go to his wiki. He is credited as the man who spearheaded the effort to ban led from gas, paint and other products. His career, reputation and efforts were intentionally attacked by the oil lobby for over three decades. THIRTY FUCKING YEARS this man fought to keep led away from people and children when the science was clear and proof undeniable and the oil lobby just said “Not on our watch.” It HAS BEEN clear these people never cared about a goddamn thing other than a the next dollar and the system we have doesn’t just encourage it. It mandates it. We have created whole ass economies where the hyper pursuit of profit at the cost of our collective futures is the only way to stay competitive. Fuck.

He’s right. Peaceful protests have gotten us nowhere towards actually saving the planet. The true threat to the planet isn’t just fossil fuels but also greedy CEOs. Just look at COP29 last month, 2023 was the hottest year on record and 2024 is likely to be hotter, and yet hardly anything was done about phasing out of fossil fuels. They allowed Big Oil CEOS and petrostates to worm their way into the meetings just so they could do everything they could to keep their profits up. They’re dooming our planet and laughing at us as it happens because they only care about themselves and their profits. Those kinds of people should never be anywhere near power.

They think they’re untouchable, and personally, I think they should be just as fearful for their own lives as they make the rest of us fear for our own. We’re at a point where simply voting or protesting for change isn’t getting us anywhere, and we’re running out of time. The CEOs who want to keep their profits up at the cost of the lives of others will never go away on their own. They will continue taking and taking from the people below them. I’m sick of them winning, and quite frankly, I’m very sick of waiting for it to end.

I am obviously not condoning murder, but the fact remains to be seen.

Just in case anyone missed it, the book he reviewed here is The Unabomber.

Edit: Anonymous award person, thank you very much!

Why is denying medical claims and letting people die seen as business as usual? That’s violence. Poisoning our air and land is violence. Starving us with high prices is violence. It’s only when someone reacts with violence is it labeled as such.

Look.. I’m not saying I condone it… but I understand

That IS interesting…this quote:
“We’re animals just like everything else on this planet, except we’ve forgotten the law of the jungle and bend over for our overloards when any other animal would recognize the threat and fight to the death for their survival. “Violence never solved anything” is a statement uttered by cowards and predators”.

Can we get the go fund me for legal fees set up now? Even if this wasn’t him, NY needs a scapegoat.

People tried voting, lobbying the politicians who they voted for, protesting peacefully….where is the lie? Ultimately the working class is going to either decide to accept it or do something about it.

He was removing from the world a psychopath responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Men and women in our military have killed enemy combatants and we don’t call that murder.

When there is a person out there able to decide who lives and who dies and they choose to let people die to save money then I 100% consider them an enemy to society.

This guy was cleaning up our planet a little.

Well, he clearly didn’t do it, any jury should find him not guilty, but on an unrelated note, he is based as hell and now my hero.

This guy isn’t some nutjob who’s lost grasp of reality. Everything he’s saying here is rational and grounded, in fact it’s downright eloquent. He’s a legitimate revolutionary.

Damn, that’s some intellectually profound shit right there.

I’m liking him more and more each time.

“How long until we realize that violence against those who lead us to [self] destruction is self defense” goes so hard

Remember that body cams for police officers didn’t become a thing until there was violent protests

I think the last word should be ~~pray~~ prey.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

I feel a key piece of info is missing in this title.

Good luck to the McDonald’s employee…

Makes me wonder if he had others planned

Where do I donate to this guy’s defense fund?

Biden should pardon him. Fuck it.

The problem with being a good guy using self-justified violence to get what you want is that everyone thinks they’re the good guy.

So when you pull the trigger first you give up any pretense for the other side to not be good guys using self-justified violence as well.

If only the gun tides would turn away from mass shootings and turn to vigilante justice.

Y’all are completely glossing over that the book was written by the Unibomber. Just let that sink in.

Very on point.

Insanely based

He’s not wrong… which is a little scary.

Title is a bit misleading. He was quoting an anonymous internet comment. Semantics but these aren’t his words.

Wasn’t him though, He was playing smash bros with me when whatever happened happened. We were in like california or whatever state is far away from the crime.

As former employee of cursed company. He was right, in my opinion, I’ve been of this mindset for a good while now. I am looking forward to see more ripples of what this does, because I am very confident this will only result in better things in the long run. If it leads to a revolution, then even better.

It’s says “A take that I found online that I found interesting:” what I gather is that those aren’t his words but is quoting someone else.

Weird how these guys always use their full names on sites that can later be used against them.

Like it’s never “Slutslayer6969” or some other dumb handle. It’s always their full legal name.

Seems like he should read Frantz Fanon too

New unabomber just dropped

After everything he did, I don’t understand how he let himself get caught… chilling at a McDonald’s WITH the gun still in possession? Just weird man.

The book is by Ted fucking Kazienski


Good for Luigi. He stands by his words and took action, very rare.

More please.

At the bottom of his review of the Unabomber’s manifesto, Luigi Mangione wrote:

‘”Violence never solved anything” is a statement uttered by cowards and predators.’

One petson’s patriot is another’s terroist.

A tale as old as time. Get over yourself.

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