Luigi Mangione’s mugshot

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Dang he really is wearing multiple jackets

Luigi, tell me you didn’t go to McDonald’s wearing the same jacket from the taxi shot, say it ain’t so, Luigi

Why doesn’t it look like a mugshot?

If that’s what he was wearing when he got caught….

It was intentional. 

Women are going to be dumping their serial killer penpal husbands.

Best I can do is 2 years probation.

He has an alibi. we were volunteering together at a soup kitchen when the CEO was murdered

Hey, that’s the guy who delivered my food on the morning of December 4th.

Who’s lined up to play him in the movie?

Well, he’s either an impostor or he wanted to get caught because he could have easily changed the appearance of those eyebrows.

yeah, that’s not a mugshot.


This dude has people sliding off their seats

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Hey that’s my gardener Luigi! He did a fantastic job when he was weeding my garden the morning of December 4th!

Doesn’t look like a mugshot to me.

Bruh I was going down on him in dec 4th, free my boy.

No homo tho.

St. Luigi is the patron saint of the abandoned…. quite poetic.

And here we have Luigi. Who made another man marinate in his own Ragù.

So, how many pardons does Biden get?

I swear this bro got a different face everytime I see him. Am I going mad? This some Day of the Jackal shit

Eyebrows look different. Nope not him 🫣.


Nice mouse cursor. At first glance, I was wondering why they took the photo with his airPods in.

he shouldve bearded up…

Idk.. doesn’t look like the shooter to me

Last time i checked the shooter didn’t have a thick monobrow. It’s so obvious lmao, this is a fall guy , to make the public think a normal person can’t take out a CEO and get away with it. Doesn’t look like the shooter at all, nose is different too
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