[MacMahon] “Nico Harrison has been subjected to death threats…security is going to be beefed up. There will be protests outside. Lines have been crossed.”

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single handedly the most hated person in dallas

He’s a moron and will be hated in Dallas for decades.

Him doing this shot in front of the nico propoganda picture is sending me.

In a matter of hours, Nico Harrison became the most hated person in Texas.

Obviously death threats are too far.

In the same breath, knowing what we know about sports fans, is anyone really *surprised* that Nico is getting them? Is Nico?

Somehow Adelsons escape completely unscathed. We don’t know if this came from the top and they certainly could have stepped in to stop the trade if they wanted to.  You don’t have to know anything about basketball to know trading your beloved super star would be bad.  They deserve as much hate. 

I mean didn’t this dude just say he might be buried and gone in 3 years?

It’s weird that he implies the protests are also a line not to be crossed. Death threats are obviously ridiculous, but American sports media seems to genuinely believe fans aren’t allowed to display their dismay. We’re just cash cows to them.

This may be a first for the American sports scene, but its funny to watch it from Europe. Here, esp. with football clubs, fans are very emotional. In Europe Nico would have had a pig head nailed to his door on the first day with Ultras camping in front of his house.

I agree, trading Luka was crossing a line.

Fire him and his “security risk” is gone. What they expect to happen dude trade a 25 year old generational player for peanuts. Rob straight up fleeced Nico. Biggest robbery in the history of the NBA lol

Lines have been crossed…. by Nico.

Death threats are unacceptable. Nico was also dumb as shit to start off the press conference with a joke. Bro was taking a victory lap as if people were gonna be happy he stabbed the franchise player in the back.

Good fire that fucker and Tim McMahon shut up no one likes you here

Classic strategy. Play the victim by pointing at the behavior of a tiny fraction of “fans” who are already mentally unwell beyond their sports fandom. Then, you force the 99% of normal fans who hate his guts into backing off their warranted and completely valid criticism.

Nico needs to resign. Now. There’s no path forward for him. This was his choice. He needs to own that it has destroyed the Mavs fanbase.

Mavs owners would know a thing or two about getting people killed.

I agree, Nico crossed a line by trading Luka

I don’t trust mouth pieces, I’m sure some not cool stuff was said to Harrison, but there’s no way you can make me believe they aren’t trying to smear the fans and paint Nico in a sympathetic light. I don’t wish these things upon Nico, but when you give a middle finger to your whole fanbase like this and tank your team, these sort of things are to be expected. Protests are too far? Give me a break.

The only line being crossed is Nico Harrison losing his God darned mind thinking Dallas Mavericks fans would be stupid enough to believe he did this to improve the club.

A literal gift to Lakers. 

MacMahon is probably the second most hated person in Dallas after Harrison. He’s been making up shit about the Mavericks and trying to create drama for engagement since forever. Doncic even called him out one time at the press conference. The lowest tier media person.

Is he really surprised? He made one of the dirtiest deals in NBA history. He really expected fans to buy him dumbass excuse about defense winning championships. He’s either the shadiest or most incompetent GM in NBA history.

I heard Jerry Jones is considering Nico for Cowboys GM

i cant help but feel that this is one of those fuck around and find out situations. we know damn well you opted to do this and you knew the consequences. people are fucking unhinged and you thought it was just gonna be a fart in the wind? cmon, we aint stupid, dont play victim you fucked around and now you finding out.

Nico trying to bait sympathy

Yeah death threats are a bit excessive. Though it is funny that this news is coming from his mouthpiece. I 100% believe the threats happened but of course MacMahon is the one saying it happened.

I don’t think there’s ever been a public figure who’s done something very controversial and not received death threats. Doesn’t make it right, but at some point it just sounds like an excuse.

Oh, so now it’s time to vilify the heartbroken fans to cover up one of the stupidest trades in sports history. Fuck you Nico, get the fuck out of Dallas and take the Adelsons with you.

Lines were erased when Luka got traded bruv

AD looking like that Homer Simpson backing into the bushes meme watching this

so i see where he meant defense wins championships , it wasn’t for dallas but for himself

MacMahon is such a corpo whore

Fuck Tim MacMahon. Dude made a living the last 7 years publishing gossip gotcha stories about Luka and being a mouthpiece for the front office. He’s insufferable and on top of everything, writes really poorly.

This is a textbook strategy for PR disasters. Almost every single PR nightmare has an example of this technique. Try to gain sympathy by saying that the person received death threats. They didn’t say who they were from, or that the police are investigating those threats. For all we know, those threats don’t even exist, or they could have technically came from Nico Harrison himself (I mean they didn’t specify who the threats came from). I would be interested to see them prove it. I’ve seen people legitimately receive death threats, and someone is typically arrested for them shortly after.

I hate him and I’m a Knicks fan. I stand with my Dallas brothers and sisters.

You know through all of this, I’m glad I don’t have a shitty friend like pelinka who acts like he’s doing me a favor LOL

Good. Hope he never shows face again


I’m just not convinced by “they got death threats!!!1!” any more when it comes to the internet. I 100% know they happen, and that they are almost certainly happening to this idiot, but they happen to literally almost everyone – women celebrities get them for voicing opinions, sport players get them from the idiotic sport gamblers, I’ve even got them for making people too mad in arguments!

Obviously I wish it wasn’t this way and it should not be supported but you could, and people do, use “I am getting death threats!” to shut down any legitimate criticism. Unless this is somehow a far more specific and actionable threat than normal I think it is completely irresponsible to be focusing on this angle to any extent.

I agree, he crossed the line…. Oh wait….
He should have received a big check to take the blame and serve as the scapegoat here but at the end is the owners to blame also, they probably gave the order.

Yeah I call bull on this claim.

Fuck Nico

Nico was crossing the line.

Their slogan is MAVS FAn for life or MFFL right? Why are they surprised when they did something as atrocious as trading Luka

It show the quality of a man when you don’t have one person around them to stop and say ‘this decision will change your entire life, think about it’

If they are concerned about safety the safest move would be for Nico to leave Dallas and never come back

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