Mad Ex

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Bro probably thinks he’s suffering from amnesia

future gaslight hall of fame inductee

Not sure how I feel abut this oneโ€™s energy ๐Ÿ˜‚

You need to cook your exes slowly, like a frog in boiling water, so that they donโ€™t jump out

Also start following some really fucked up accounts

Passive aggressive revenge is always the best

Hey I do this to myself! But on here

My friend was in a toxic relationship with an alcoholic for a few years. Every time they would fight, he would always be blacked out drunk (bc he was every night) and she would text people from his phone super embarrassing shit. Obvi next morning he just assumes he did it while drunk. Lmao. This went on for years

I was in the Stasi museum in Berlin and there lies a handbook which explains tactics such as these (but around 1940-1945 obviously), explaining how to “break someone” even before capture and interrogation begins.

It contains a paragraph about gaining entry to someones home, while they are at work everyday and changing just the tiniest things in it. It would slowly drive people insane and leave them vulnerable to interrogation tactics.

this is fucked up but kinda funny in concept

This isn’t a good one of these right? Gaslighting someone and really jeapordising their mental health?

How about someone goes for a clean healthy break and doesn’t conspire against their ex? That’s if this is even real in the first place and not just more bait content. Even if it is, it’s shit content anyway.

My ex was still logged into Instagram on my phone and I only noticed a few days after she broke up with me. I was taking a shit at work and clicked on a post from Jason Tatum when I noticed the account was logged in. She got a message right then and I clicked on it and it was her talking to her friend on how I didn’t find out she cheated on me.

I then made a fake Instagram and messaged myself pretending to be one of her friends anonymously messaging me telling me she cheated on me. So they all would think that one of them snitched to me about it. It worked perfectly lmao.

This would never work on me because I already donโ€™t remember half the shit I do.

Swap genders and people would be losing their shit

I get why shes an ex girlfriend.

Virtual gaslighting

Kinda seems like the ex living rent free in your head and getting your attention daily for a month is way worse. Also, anyone would figure that out in about an hour.

This is literal gaslighting which people are somehow okay with

what a weird way to declare youre still in love.

Good for bro, escaping the crazy.

Gaslighting and post-separation abuse. Reddit will love this because the victim is a man.ย 

Reminds me of [this scene from Frasier]( about the red balloon.

Twitter literally alerts you exactly the location any stranger device logs intoโ€ฆ

Eventually, he’s gonna post about it on here, and 800 people are going to tell him to buy a carbon monoxide alarm.

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