Mad Lil Broski

By ZanP96
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The Giorno pfp sells it.

Seems like a chill guy 


I love him.

Not this time Reaper

he earned that shit

Can’t allow yourself himself to die when he has a dream, wouldn’t be very giogio of him.

Let him cook

Lil bro has a dream

He has Giorno Giovanna as his picture. There’s no way he was going to die.

Lol bro is too based to die

Nah, I’d survive.

I can hear the Giorno theme

Same vibes as my friends coming to visit when I was in hospital for my heart:

“If you wanted our attention Xirious you could have just said so”


Gen Z humor is based

– Millenial

Lil broski just cheated death.

Mans is invincible.

Repost for the Karma whoring



This sounds like something technoblade would say

Not beating the “is still alive” allegations.

His diagnosis: anime protagonist.

God said haha ok bet watch this

Omg! I love him so bad omg omg

What’s his birthday and time of birth? I want to do a chart reading for personal study lol maybe a Leo or an Aries Sun? He’s so based I cantttttt

When the beloved family dog was on his last legs we were looking at him in the garden and my dad just appeared and said “I’ll be the one to take him the vets if you want”.

My brother and I laughed and were like “lol no, thanks dad it’s brother’s dog really, he’ll sort it”.

A week later I was in the hospital (from an A&E visit) due to heart palpitations and the first thing my brother texted me said “Dad said he will take you the vet”.

Had a similar thing happen to me. Got rear ended by a drunk driver going 50+ and my car skidded like 40 feet. Thing was it was right outside where I worked at the time. I texted the group chat and said “crazy crash outside, glad to be a part of it”. Really funny to see their reactions 😂

“I’m dying ? Nah, gotta lock in”

Try hen he proceeded to live until the end of time

Dying is low key kinda cringe, ngl…

I sent my brother a deep fried diabeetus meme when I was in the ICU for DKA after a fresh diagnosis. I also cried and begged for chicken nuggets as a final meal 😂

My brother needed emergency brain surgery that lasted 13 hours. We were all terrified what the outcome would be. When he was recovered enough for us to finally see him post-op, we all anxiously waited for him to say something. He made a “DEEZ NUTZ” joke. Surgery was successful.

He will never arrive at the truth of his death. THAT… is Golden Experience Requiem.

2016 ass meme not surprised it’s finally hitting reddit


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