Made me chuckle

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He wants more wage slaves for billionaires, because the economy relies on cheap labor and infinite growth. That’s why the biggest way you can fuck over capitalism is by not having kids.

Why does he have to interfere into others personal lives.

Stop killing work-family balance then

Why is the government telling the people to have more children?

Why do republicans continue to use government to enforce their social agenda?

Well, fucking couches won’t result in more babies

Gen X here and so wild Republicans were always telling us not to fuck but now the kids are supposed to be fucking but can’t even pay the rent but two dudes get rocket ships.

The audacity to ask for people to make families when people can hardly provide for themselves.

Then he can go directly give birth to all of the babies he wants to himself, I won’t try to stop him, but he should leave women who don’t want that out of it!

George Carlin put it right.

[*”Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then youโ€™re just what theyโ€™re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.”*](

We have enough babies in America. They call themselves MAGA.

But he doesnโ€™t want health care, daycare, or other assistance. He is a just anti-choice woman hater.

Americans, do you realize that when the orange con man will die from a stroke during a temper tantrum, this clown will be the next president?

Last guy this obsessed with little kids was strangled in his cell.

If they want more people in the US then why do they have such a problem with immigrants coming in? If the reason is because they are uneducated and untrained then why do they have such a problem with education for all that will educate and train all Americans? The only thing I can see is thay they don’t want more brown people who don’t all speak English to be given the same lives and opportunities that we all want.

Who wants the extra stress of raising a kid when you can barely feed and house yourself, you can’t afford healthcare or schooling, and civil rights are being eroded?

Why deport immigrants then

You’re part of an elite class that has manufactured the worst non-wartime conditions imaginable… yet you still want the middle class to do the heavy lifting and have more kids… with no medical support… with no employment security… with literally just hopes and prayers from the pseudo-Christians who worship money and pretend it is actually God.

Fuck me this is peak delusion.

We got more BOOMER CRY-BABIES than we can support anymore.

โ€œ if people are choosing not to have them because we destroyed life conditions save capitalism , we will force them to do it โ€œ vibes’s number 1 customer

Ok. Make cost of living realistic to where we can afford to actually have kids and not need dual income and ridiculously priced child care to get by.

My partner and I both work quality jobs. Iโ€™m in healthcare and she builds exhibits for museums. Thereโ€™s no way we could afford a child with how things have gone the past five to ten years.

Is that why Trump is president?

Then leave the couches alone and get back to your marital bed, dude

F*ck more couches then.

Then make it affordable to have children.

Yet there’s not maternity/paternity leave. No affordable child care etc. Nevermind the fact that we’re struggling just to pay for ourselves.

Gianmarco is funny af

Itโ€™s really creepy and gross, right? Conservativesโ€™ breeding kinks? We can agree on that, right?

He does not want more babies. He wants more pregnant women and more births.

After that they can just die for all he cares.

But only of certain race and religion unless itโ€™s for moving targets for school shooters.

Usually the countries do this in a way of incentives like free healthcare, abortions for when things are going wrong, parental leaves, free and available early childcare, tax deductions for parents etc. Why not use that model?

That couch ainโ€™t gonna fk itself

Pedo wants more victims. Shock

Handmaid’s seem to be a perfect solution to this problem.

Gianmarco is fucking awesome. Such a great comedian.

Let me also put it very simply. We want comfortable living conditions in the USA

More kids for the mines

Now call me foolish but wouldn’t rescinding birth-right citizenship as well as making the country REALLY HOSTILE to immigrants not have the opposite effect?

If the population was already facing a decline *with* people in working conditions that could be interested in building a family removing some of these people (some of which might straight up BE babies) sounds like a very counter productive point

Well not to mention the tariffs that’s gonna cause price increases which raises cost of literally everything or the very stagnant minimal wages

Literally not a single thing the trump government has proposed could possibly cause people to have more babies

Don’t get me wrong the people will get fucked but not in the sense that will generate babies, more in the sense of ya know, lower quality of life

Then make it financially viable and ethically moral to have children in The United States of America.

Crazy they want more babies born but they offer no added support for mothers/parents. Look at what other developed nations do and see how shitty America is.

Anti abortion has always been about one thing, more soldiers and more workers. They just hide like its religious

They say that then create a system which penalizes child rearing at every step.

If he wants more babies then he should go fuck his wife or the couch or whatever has a hole.

Waaaay ahead of you, buddy, and I’ll be using you as an example of what bad eyeliner looks like.

I thought Trump is enough baby to cover the entire US?


Make affordable health care and the cost of living a priority then you hilllbilly simpleton

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