Made my own cap. Make America Trumpless Again

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Make Camera Angles Great Again

We’ll never be able to wear red hats again.

I made a similar hat six or seven years ago, except it said “Make America spellcheck again” (I’m a p/t copy editor). Several people got so mad. They didn’t read it โ€” they saw that it *looked* like a Trump hat, assumed it *was* a Trump hat, and (especially on social media) called me silly names. There even was a physical threat at some point. So if you wear something like this, be prepared for unintended consequences.

nothing, what’s the MATA with you?

With how divided the US is, I think making political apparel has to be one of the easiest โ€œget rich quickโ€ schemes.

this was completely and totally doable not 3 months ago.

what happened, there?

I like the red baseball cap that says “This hat hides my lobotomy scar”


Borderline fan behavior

Make America not Embarrassing Again

r/pics and r/politics are the same sub now.

Thanks for this post, it made me unfollow.

Make America Great Again, Arrest Trump and Elon!!!!

Lmao dont like trump but this is Hella cringe.

Normal people be looking at yall funny af.

Waste money on foreign wars again, oh wait thatโ€™s not Trump

I want that says in a world of magas be a Luigi


Make American Topless!

Oh I get it because trump is alive


Don’t worry. You just have to wait 4 years. It’s all good. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Read this “Make American Dumpless Again”

Trumpโ€™s weakness is the new contagion.

Your dream will come true in four years!

Yeah dumpless so no more poops guys

I also am fond of ‘Make America Maga free Again’

Uh….just wait 4 years.

Stop fElon, save america

I vividly recall those yearsโ€ฆ the United States was actually a much better place for all walks of life and all sorts of people. Now, it seems like theres a new boogeyman, always new lies to drown out the literal hundreds of thousands of old ones, and just making most concepts that were once insane (because they areโ€ฆ) become normal.

T-minus 3 years and 11 months

I just wanted cheaper gas and itโ€™s still the same actually more expensive LOL


Please, for the love of God, do.

Jumpless ?

Luckily for you. In 4 years you get an election to do just that!!

Lol sad


Make people get on with thier life’s again.

Make America Muskless Again

Sell these please!!

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