Madlad Brad

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That’s such a good idea I might have to steal it

Absolute madlad

I’ve had the same idea with movies, showing on 4 or 5 different screens in a theater and then gauging reactions when they leave after watching it since I was in my teens in the 90’s. I wonder why nobody has done this yet just to fuck with movie goers.

Apparently Satan wants a writing career.

Monty Python once released a record with 2 grooves. People would hear an alternate version and not be able to replicate it. 

Man of true genius

The clue movie?

Don’t tell George Martin about it

I think I saw this on tumblr once and someone suggested a cannon ending where a cannon solves the plot

Daggerfall ending be like

Chase edition lol

Plot of the movie “Ninth Gate” comes to mind

Release one where, the entire book is human-written except for the ending in which each individual printed copy has a completely different ai-generated ending

Master of chaos

and the rarest ending is just ‘The End’ on page 1.

Yeah, so when I was in college, my girlfriend at the time and I were discussing the movie The Butterfly Effect, which we had both seen separately in theatres before we met. We had a heated argument about the ending as we both remembered different endings. We found a copy of it (this was pre-smartphone, semi early internet days) and found out that it had both endings (one was in the special features). It turned out different theatres showed different endings, and that information was not widely publicized.

With the internet, that would be found out on release date…these sort of antics only worked pre 00’s. I miss those times

This is genius

Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the Icelandic translation.

Perceval Everett did this with Telephone . Only three endings , though

10 years later, you can release the definitive version with all endings included.

When *Clue* was originally released in theaters in 1985, it was released with three different endings. Depending on which theater you went to, a different character would be the murderer, so people definitely went to work or school the next week and were very confused when discussing the film.

When the movie eventually came to video, it had all three endings back to back which is how most people here have probably seen it.

Also, communism was just a red herring!

Stop reading my private messages

And on your deathbed reveal the 11th ending is the friends we made along the way.


This is genius, someone in publishing will see it

“The French Lieutenant’s Woman” by John Fowles is a bit like that, and yes it is annoying.

Gacha books

Calm down there, Satan.

What watching CLUE does to a mf

We did this as a senior prank in high school. Release 7 chickens in the school numbers 1 2 3 4 6 7 8

Based. Utterly based

It reminds me of the senior prank where they released three greased pigs in the school with numbers painted on their back.

They were numbered 1, 2 and 4.

Brandon Sanderson released two versions of “the dog and the dragon”

Didn’t Hitchcock do thus with his movies? Like in Psycho, in some versions then Perkins is looking uo at the end a Skull is superimposed over his face and some it’s not, causing disagreement and confusion when the movie was in theaters

This is genius.

Fucking diabolical!! You monster.

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