Madlad coworker

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3 years into my job and I still say “sorry, I’m new here” at least once a week. Trust me, it works.

They must have had a *really* long first day.

Peak performance is realizing every day can be your first day if you believe in yourself enough.

This person mastered the art of never getting out of training mode.

Only issue I see with this is that some customers will seize upon it, lose trust in what you’re doing and ask to be dealt with by someone else.

The cunt kind of customer.

My buddy would hit em with “its only my third day out here” sometimes. He definitely didnt act like “first day” material, but third *c*ould pass, so it worked lmao

A bertender told me it was his first day when I asked ’bout the bar’s history. I joked, “You’ve been sayinh that for years” He smyl and pointed to the girl nxt to me, saying she knew more. Turns out, she’d only been there a week.

I’m using that from now on

15 years still going strong on this first day, you just need a workplace with more than one location or a constantly changing customer base to keep it fresh.

It is a great strategy. I am Operations Manager but I always tell people that I don’t know anything because ‘I only pack boxes here’. 😀

No need to be so specific. Just say, sorry, I’m still learning.

Must be the most consistent new hire in the world.

Started working here 2007, still say it sometimes hahaha.

Homer Simpson excuse. Works everytime.

That’s pretty much my plan for my new job.

When I have bad news for the clients/customers I always apologize in the name of the company and blame it on the company itself. Whenever I have good news it was me personally

I do the “I’m new I don’t know what time doing!” From joe dirt.

I used this as the manager of a business. It’s a foolproof strategy.

You’re always as good as your first day working at the antimemetics division 

I thought everyone did this

Doesn’t work if you’re a doctor, I tried.

These are the people with bumper stickers that say student driver..

I like to say “damn computers” whenever I’m frustrated with something that is DEFINITELY not a computer.

Struggling to fold fitted sheets? Damn computers.

Gotta change the lotion bottle out with a new pump? Damn computers.

Trips over nothing while walking down the hall? Damn computers.

It’s like how boomers blame “damn teenagers” for everything. Except my nonsense doesn’t hurt anyone.

…..Except those damn computers, but they deserve it. 😂

I did this too many times at a small restaurant i served at in town until i did it to someone who had apparantly been served by me 2 or 3 times and i didnt recognize them and they called me out on it 3 months into working there lol

I drove a taxi for a few years before GPS on cell phones was a thing. Used to say “I just started a few weeks ago, can you help me with directions?” Worked every time.

7 years in

“Sorry it’s my first week”

I have a coworker (who used to be my supervisor, but stepped down after so many years), he’s been working there for 23 years.

Once in a while, if he can find one, he will put on a “In Training” button.

Fake it till you make it has a whole new meaning now.


I also do this and think it’s a great strategy 🙂

My shithead/funny boss would always tell the customers it was my first day when I made any little mistake

I use this excuse constantly. Been at my job 10+ years. Works like a charm.

Another trick is to carry around an empty box, no one questions someone carrying a box.

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