MAGA is sloooooow

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I love George Takei’s subtle burns, so classy. Me? I’d gleefully say fuck around and find out, idiot.

It’s almost like the Republicans aren’t looking out for the regular guy

Guys don’t worry it’ll trickle down!!!!!

Looks like old Jack just ran into a face-eating leopard.

None of these guys care about who is screwing over the American worker. They’ll parrot a few of these lines for couple of weeks and go back to blaming democrats.

Ohhh myyyy

“Who could have seen this coming?!?!?”

The entire left. Jesus Fucking Christ

Understand this isn’t a real “realization” – it’s the realization that it might not be fashionably safer to acknowledge the obvious abuse and exploitation (which the guy has likely benefitted from), with a fear of a cull akin to the French Revolution potentially on the horizon. Wages worse than both the French Revolution and Great Depression. This ought to be a lesson for us all that the commodification and relative comfort of necessities will be the ever present tool to use as smoke and mirrors while the rest is stripped away. “As long as we have our necessities” – yes, but see how the greedy will seek to scrape away even at that. The barest of necessities. Eat the greedy.

Yes, Posobitch, turns out that rando trans woman is not your real enemy and poses no threat whatsoever to you. But those scumbag oligarch sure are!

Can we get George Takei and Mark Hamill to do a podcast together in which they just blast stupid fascists for an hour a week? Pretty please?

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Conservatives are incapable of empathy and cannot understand something if it doesn’t happen directly to them

When did he change his handle to Jack Poso? Was it when his IQ dropped from 8 to 4?

Why today what happened?

“Tell me you’re a gullible moron without telling me that you’re a gullible moron.”

Wait until the day they figure out, they can’t compose a proper sentence to pass a 3rd grade exam.

Ignorance is only blissful for the ignorant. It’s the rest of us who suffer.

Don’t worry those jobs will trickle down


MAGA right now.

Anyone not indoctrinated by the right saw this coming

Insane Takei, veteran actor who was part of potentially *the* most influential show in all existence, is on a lower priority on Musk’s platform than a nobody like Pissbec

So you’re saying it ISN’T those arrogant ivory tower coastal liberals that are keeping conservatives poor?

Americans voted him in the White House for the second time


George should get so many more roses. His burns are always masterclass.

He’s not sober enough to figure anything out…ever. He’s a sellout like every trump voter/enabler/donor/cabinet cretin. They are not unique ….they are just like every toilet paper ball that clings to his taint.

Yet again, the villain was not a drag queen. Shocker!

ha ha ha wow

Like this is some sort of new revelation… lol.


Posobiec will lose this power struggle with Musk. In the modern Republican Party money *always* wins.

Just wait until he finds out who’s been getting rich from high inflation…

Isn’t this the End Wokeness guy? When will he realize “woke” is used to divide the common people?

$TSLA fire sale incoming.

Just to be clear, this is the same George Takei who was in internment camps during World War II even though he was an American citizen and then went on to be on an extremely successful television show trying to tell me who is screwing over Americans?

I mean…you would think just based on his personal experience…you know what. Never mind. You go get em George.

Pretty sure Jack gets rich screwing over the American worker too.

This absolute horse’s ass posts history videos despite having been born yesterday.


Liberals tears don’t equal cash in my pocket? Whaaaaaat

Oof. Still has it.

George, here’s the guillotine you were looking for…

They don’t even care about that part, they’re just mad to find out that money matters more than hate to the oligarchs. Shocking, I know.

Why is George still on twitter I thought he quit

Anything to own the libs I guess

Didn’t think that some of their lights were going to go on this early. Honestly thought it was going to be another six months.

Maga is a cult of stupidity. This is why the dumb fuckers are slow to realize their hero and master is a con man, and full of shit.

Is this the guy that insisted solar panels don’t work in cold weather?

Jack Posobiec is a Neo-Nazi propagandist that promotes Pizzagate and White Replacement Theory. When he says “who is getting rich by screwing over the American worker,” he doesn’t mean billionaires or capitalism, he means the Jews and other minority scapegoats. Let us not pretend that he or any of the other conservatives that are angry at Musk over the H-1B visas is going to wake up to how billionaires and capitalism have steadily been making society worse for decades and become left wing. They’re mad at him because they’re bigoted. If anything, they’ll find another way to blame it on their regular scapegoats and they’ll go farther to the right.

I dislike these short and quippy retorts to far right pundits like Jack Posobiec on social media. All it does is provide a sense of superiority in us that disagree with him and amplifies the message of the Neo-Nazis. This is not a “murdered by words.” This is spreading the statement of Neo-Nazis so you can feel morally superior to them.

The r/conservative threads about Elon and the visas are absolutely hilarious these people really are the dumbest mother fuckers imaginable

Literally the richest guy on earth? 🤣

Jack is definitely patiently waiting for a sip of water from Trickle Down river. Doesnt realise it’s not even a pisstuary.

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