Make America a Stinky Toxic Again

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No one younger than about 40 can remember how awful US pollution used to be. Not just “the sky is a weird color” but “I can’t go outside because of my asthma”

AOC called it… he’ll sell out America to make a buck.

Um, isn’t this textbook bribery?

I truly have grown to hate everything about that POS.

Want to know how you get Flint Michigan? This is how.

Best country money can buy! How long before the National Park Auctions?

Sure Donald. Building codes are local laws and not controlled by the federal government. Every state has its own environmental review laws–also not controlled by federal government.

So by that standard, the Chinese government could gain access to huge amounts of American real estate and resources, just by investing a few billion USD? Wow Donny the Dumpster Fire really has mastered the art of the deal. As much as I am glad I live in Canada, this dipshit causes everyone issues. Great job on voting him in guys

To anyone that voted for this idiot: You belong to the dumbest demographic that has ever existed in American history and normal people find you fucking disgusting. 

Welcome to India!

Man, Republicans who voted this clown in have no idea what they have done. They probably don’t even care, just as long as their “man” won. They think they are patriots 😂

What Donnie didn’t say, but it was implied, is that there’s a little *sumthin’-sumthin’* for him under the table too.

So… open bribery?

Translation #2: “You can grab America by it’s collective pussy and I’ll just let you do it.” DJT

yes Elon, making money has been so difficult for you with all those regulations

everywhere can be treated like Palestine Ohio.

Fuck Tangerine Man. Pollution affects the entire globe you numbskull.

We. Don’t. Want. You.

Go live on mars

The next four years are going to be an absolute nightmare that I’m going to desperately try to ignore.

Guess this seems like a great idea, if your primary metrics for evaluating good ideas are willful ignorance and a general attitude of, “No one but me matters.”

Bullish on impending environmental pollution disasters

MACA – make America Cancerous again

I, for one, am looking forward to flammable rivers to make a comeback. How bout you?

Just fully putting the country up for sale. Cool leader.

Weird how Elon used to post about the dangers of climate change and he has just entirely abandoned that view.

Maybe they’ll get their own tv series

Funny way to spell ‘America For Sale – $1B per slice!’

I can’t believe we elected this shitbag.

Well, so long clean drinking water and breathable air.

The next four years are going to be very *very* long

So you are telling me, if i invest a billion dollars i can put a coal power plant and a toxic waste dump next to Mar-a-Lago? Anybody interested in a crowd funding campaign?

Is this real???

🎶it’s the end of the world as we know it….🎶

And I don’t feel fucking fine!

“Hey, hey, it’s an auction of the USA.” Highest bidder wins, reserve set at one billion. No rules! No regs! I’m sure this is going to work out great for the average American. /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Disgusting and disturbing-but not even a little surprising.

Criminals gonna do criminal shit.

Don’t forget his packed court has made him king. He can literally kill anyone IF he can prove to congress that it was needed for the welfare of the country.

I hope nobody likes clean water 👍

Why would we want clean air and water????


Again, the Tangerine Traitor talks out of his ass. Approvals like this are done at state and locals levels, not federal. He has no ability to do this. just like 95% of all of his empty promises and threats.


So, for a billion dollars you can do fuck all and get fast-tracked to do it? Including, but not limited to fucking up our environment further?

I wonder how much a national park is worth or possibly an endangered species? Cancer anyone?

Thanks for making this pos in charge again.

Ready to rock? More like ready to throw rocks. Ugghh…

A beautiful country for sale to Saudi’s…They’re gonna love it!!

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