Make Geography Great Again

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He’s bravely promoting Toblerone in Canada

Man is he just plain stupid

Right this way, Mr president. Just a little closer…closer….

As a felon and with unclear vaccination status, I am not sure which countries will let Trump in.

Yea thats the Matterhorn, in Switzerland. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)

As a Canadian I fully support leaving Trump alone at the top a mountain in the Alps

It was Greenland last time. I’m not convinced he could find either on a map.
How about the US becomes the 11th province of Canada?

The US would then have a real king as head of state rather than a pretend one.

Trump doesn’t climb stairs but he does climb mountains?

Good thing his supporters don’t know anything about geography!

Different take: Canada is going to take over all of Western Europe, with Switzerland being the last stop…. /s

Conquering Switzerland in the name of Canada

For those who do not know, this is the President elect of the USA. Let that sink in for a while…

Every country should take everything he says at face value with 100% seriousness. We all know he loves talking out his ass. The best we can do is throw it back in his face. Respond with any vague threat of invasion as if he had just served terms of war. “We have received word that President Trump has threatened to claim Greenland for himself. We well mobilise the army to face down this blatant threat of invasion.” And watch Trump squirm as he has to either fully stand behind his own words for the first time in his life or explain to the entire world that one of the most influential world leaders was just goofing around.

But if he shuts down the department of education who will ever know that this is not Canada?

This guy is so weird. If these folks are trying to “own” me with their weirdness, mission accomplished.

Headline: Prolific Moron Does Something Stupid. Again.

Remember that time a bunch of Canucks road tripped to Washington and burnt down the White House?

The only reason Trump is getting rid of the department of education is he wants people as stupid as him. He can then be king of morons. His IQ is so low. Not higher than 80 for sure. He speaks and reads at a third grade level. Make sense that education isn’t his thing.

It just keeps on giving, America elected a forever meme.

Maybe Canada should send back an image of the White House burning down. Just as a reminder.

Canadian Here. Not intimidated.

We stand on guard for thee.

I love me some Canadian cheese and the Canadian army knife 👍🏼

hahaha, the Americans are the world best comedy team, the world is laughing at America haha

“it has snow, doesn’t it?”

-him, probably 

It’s like Americans just celebrate stupidity. 

This guy is stupid.
But something is more stupid than Trump: Trump supporters.
I mean, these guys think that Trump could not be that stupid so for them he’s a genius.

That’s another level of stupidity.

Come on, it’s not like Zermatt is an incredibly famous, distinctive, and easily identifiable peak. /s

Don’t forget the kinda-sorta Half Dome in the foreground and the wildly variable snowline

I have already informed everyone I know in Switzerland to watch out.
They may become Canada very soon, there are no mistakes here to mention. 😃

He’ll blame AI for it

Great news, apparently he doesn’t know there Canada is so we won’t be invaded!!!

He couldn’t intimidate his way out of a wet paper mcdonalds sack

Matterhorn Shmatterhorn, I say.

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