Make it make sense

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Some are saying to stop calling the Trumpers stupid….but then you see this.

Trump told his cult followers that China was going to pay the tariffs and they believed him without looking it up.

My brother also got red pilled due to his Christian faith – had a gobsmackingly ridiculous conversation with him about how he *knew* that 6 years old were being medically transitioned at schools. I didn’t know at the time that the only person who had ever stated this, was Trump himself. Every fact check in this information clearly states it’s false (dumbest shit ever that someone would believe this in the first place), but he didn’t bother to look that up. I’ve since disowned my brother.

I did not expect 60% of them to understand tariffs would raise the price of goods.

At least ignorance makes sense. This is something else.

I think I’m more surprised at the 21% that thinks it’s a high priority to cut taxes for large corporations…

Forget it Jake. It’s Trumptown.

It makes sense because people don’t know how economics work or the likely impact of tariffs.

The MAGAs keep telling us to stop calling them stupid. But then I see shit like this…

America in 2024 ladies and gentlemen. Up is down, smart is dumb, night is day.

Insert the “wait not like that” meme

Limit aid to Ukraine. FML tell me Russian misinformation campaign isn’t working.

Don’t like to go there, but there are a lot of stupid people in this country. Critical thinking skills have just evaporated with a huge swath of the citizenry. No Child Left Behind left a lot of kids behind.

Trump loves the uneducated and I’m certain when he scraped them up at the bottom of the barrel many had never voted before. They’d never heard someone that resonated with them so much.

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Here’s the most concise explanation I could find

Think about Trumps trade wars, Did selling 1/2 of the pork industry to China so they fire their US workers then ship pork products to China for domestic consumption raise bacon prices! Who knows

It’s so weird. So on average, they want lower prices, and they’ll achieve it by voting in favor of tariffs that they know will make stuff more expensive? It’s not even a case of not understanding tariffs anymore.

I really hope he puts in a 500% tariff on stupid non essential garbage that americans keep buying from china just so we’d stop filling our houses with garbage. especially people with kids buying enough toys to fill an orphanage for one child.

Serious question: what is the solution to rising prices and increasingly outsourced labor for America if there is no penalty or incentive for companies to fuck consumers and workers over at a time of record profits, record revenues, and record stock prices?

It makes total sense considering how fucking dumb the magats have proven time and time again.. they’ll find a way to blame the increase in price on immigrants and or democrats

They’re morons, idiots, stupid.. and racists ..

It’s called STUPIDITY. It seem to be prominent among certain groups.

So I’m the first person to call Trump voters retarded but this survey really isn’t the epic own it is being presented as.

Voters can have multiple, conflicting preferences. For example, I’m sure if you surveyed Democrats, a majority would say that housing affordability is a major issue and I’m sure a majority would also oppose the construction of affordable housing in their neighborhood. This isn’t because they are idiots. It’s because you can want one thing generally and also oppose a way of achieving that goal because you think it comes with too many drawbacks.

So while a majority of people likely think it’s vital that housing prices fall, a majority also probably oppose their own house’s value falling. Likewise, while a majority of Republicans want lower prices, a majority is also willing to support inflationary polices because they come with other perceived benefits (they think Trump will make America whiter and restore domestic jobs, for instance).

It’s important that we be baffled by Republicans’ real racism and economic ignorance (thinking China will pay the tariffs, for example), rather than making stuff up to be baffled by. Eye on the ball, people.

This is not difficult to understand.

People want cheaper shit. They are also sick of everything thing they buy being not only expensive, but *also* Chinese shit. They’d like to see more people working in manufacturing again. They know what the tariffs are likely to do, but they’re willing to deal with it in the short terms for long term benefits.

You struggle to understand because you’re an asshole who looks down on your peers. You’re actually not any smarter than anyone, just because you’re often smug.

Now fuck off back to Pol.

Americans trying to square the circle 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The most generous way to explain this is that lowering prices is a high priority but not the only priority. Decreasing imports might be a higher priority than lowering prices to some people.

Because idiots….cant read

Overall they prefer cheaper products but will pay more if they’re locally made.

It’s giving Patrick’s driver’s license
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Raise tariff, and US company magically makes cheap product of quality, employing pure-blooded US citizen whose family lived in US for 500 years.

That’s how everything works. Study it if you didn’t know.

Next time I’ll teach you about how a bleach can cure Covid-19.

Not to stand against the general Reddit population here. But why isn’t it ok for people to want both

My Regards

From my understanding of the arguments, if imported goods are taxed higher (tariffs) than the cost of production locally it would encourage companies to produce those goods locally to retain the market share. Bringing the jobs (from construction of factories, staffing, logistics, etc) locally. The other half of the argument is the reduced tax burden on the individual thus increasing the take home pay which in theory would offset some of the increased costs of goods until the markets stabilize. Short term yes it’s going to suck with the long term goal of bringing manufacturing jobs and the ancillary industries back to the states. 

They wanna cut the cake and eat it too

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