Make it make sense. This world is insane.

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So, slave labor ?

Dystopian bullshit nightmare fuck fest

And they aren’t allowed to be firefighters after they get out

This is a progressive program to help incarcerated persons and reduce recidivism. The position is fully volunteer and prisoners have to meet certain eligibility requirements. In addition to the pay, they receive credits that reduce their sentences by 2 days for every 1 day worked. In additions, with the exception of violent felons and sex offenders, prisoners that successfully participate in the program can apply to have their criminal record expunged, which allows them to get EMT certifications for which they would otherwise be ineligible.

In sum, this isn’t a private capitalist taking advantage of workers, nor is it forced state labor. It is a progressive program that uses taxpayer dollars to help incarcerated individuals. There is certainly room for improvement in the program, but it is not an example of insanity.

It’s not insane if you’re one of the plutocrats benefitting from this arrangement!

In their shoes I’d rather stay in prison. Fuck the people tryna underpay them.

*the US is insane

They just voted to continue slavery of prisoners in Cali so I expected as much

It’s not this “world”. It’s just your country. Try fixing it please

I work with a former inmate who was part of fire fighting crew. he said a lot of these inmates actually look forward to it. They make money and get out of their cells.

Near slavery

All will be sacrificed before the altar of capitalism

During the Rancho Bernardo fires in 2007, a lot of us Navy and Marine guys volunteered to go assist. Got the pleasure of working with prisoner firemen, doing overhaul, helping man hoses, filling in where the normie fire fighters needed help. These prisoners were stand up guys as far as we knew. They can’t have violent backgrounds, most were in for drug charges. This should be an alternative out for guys like this who want to give back to their communities, without staying in prison. We always need more fire fighters, and these guys should have been pardoned and utilized in a better way.

The firefighters are incarcerated criminals. These firefighters have volunteered for this. It’s gets them out of prison, gives them something useful to do, and gives them an opportunity learn a new skill and have better options for good paying employment when they are released from prison.

I don’t plan on prison being a part of my life. However, if I ever found myself there for any reason, I’d be happy to be allowed to participate in this and I’d gladly do it for free.

This has been going on for a long time, at least here in Ca. My father worked at a min security prison and during fire season he just slept at work.

There’s a good show about this, in the show they earn time off their sentence, get up for parole easier. It’d be better if they could use those skills when they get out

Deploy the slaves to do the most dangerous work available right now.

I quickly glanced at the headline and my brain thought it said “incinerated”

Hey they’re living rent free so they should appreciate having a job /s in case it’s not obvious. Fuck everyone who created the circumstances that allow the fires to spread uncontrollably and fuck the human trash that is legalizing slavery again

This is now actually one of the BEST prisoner training programs in the US.

No one is forced to do it (unlike a lot of prison work-lease programs which are often damn close to actual slavery) bc no one wants to give a bunch of pissed off prisoners access to heavy machinery/tools with limited supervision in the woods. That’s a recipe for bad things happening unless you’re sure the prisoner is there for the right reasons.

Then they are eligible to be a fire fighter in California when released. Which is probably the most direct path to a stable life any felon will find, bc the system is batshit for reintegration.

Hate the US prison system, advocate for change, but make sure to support actually good programs when they happen, or there will never be change

For something so dangerous and that is such an important job – being paid so little. They aren’t even trying to pretend not to exploit people.

“Are prisons obsolete” (Angela Davis) has excellent points on exploitative work done by prisoners – whether you agree that prisons should be abolished (like Angela Davis does), they are made to do a lot of work for pennies and for no benefit to them at all.

There’s also no pay off when they get out, they aren’t allowed to become fire fighters.

I would run

It was my understanding that the prisoners had a choice to participate in this. Correct me if I am wrong!

None of these prisoners were forced into this service. Stop calling it slavery. More clickbait bullshit

For context, service as an incarcerated firefighter is a CHOICE. Service is in exchange for a steep reduction in sentence. Nobody is made to serve.

$6 compared to $0 is arguably much better. They probably get meals, bedding and can now make money. Plus, no one is forcing them. It’s their choice so quit your whining.

You know pissing off people who fight fires for you isn’t a great strategy

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