Making polio great again

By BK4343
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A worm ate part of his brain, he openly eats roadkill, and he has been appointed to a position in government. This man’s life is a fucking parody. I swear to god that, if his last name wasn’t Kennedy, he’d just be some guy shouting conspiracy theories from under a bridge.

COVID denial, banning reproductive healthcare, banning trans healthcare, now going after long-established vaccines.

The conservative war on health isn’t going to stop. Because they are a death cult who revel in suffering.


Republicans want to save kids from abortion so they can die of polio?

Idiocracy, in real time 😭😭

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Too bad all the FUCKING CHILDEREN will die…

But the price of eggs you know….

Cannot convince me this isn’t a foreign op to destabilize the US.

I read the article relating to this story, and it’s as bad as it sounds. From what I remember, Aaron Siri (RFK’s lawyer/partner who is the specific evil MFer working to revoke the vaccine) wants to revoke it so that they can run trials on it. That is, he wants to give people with Polio a placebo to run trials on a vaccine that we already know works and has worked for decades. He is trying to do this, according to him, bc he is concerned with aluminum levels in the vaccine. In reality, he is trying to kill people.

This is violence. There is no other way to say it. They want to kill Americans, and for you mouth breathing MAGAs that lurk in here, I’m not being dramatic. Unlike you, I know how to read and choose to do it daily.

My only hope is that they allow people who still have an ounce of brain power remaining to get vaccines. Perhaps they’ll actually make true on their promises of “personal freedom” and just allow themselves to die while the rest of us that still have functioning braincells can still get vaccines. But it’s a pretty slim hope.

They said they wanted to go back to the 40s, so we’re going back to the 40s 🤷‍♂️

I am a polio survivor and this just breaks my heart to know first hand the damage of polio. WTF

RFK Jr has some questionable ideas.

God help us or somebody, something, anything! 🤦🏾‍♀️

The problem is that most Americans weren’t alive when vaccines were first being developed and mandated so the horrors of diseases like Polio don’t exist for them. Thanks to vaccine mandates, very few children/no kids die of polio/whooping cough etc. What’s going to happen is a lot of parents are going to bury their kids that died from diseases they themselves were vaccinated against. Time to invest in baby coffins.

Im all for other people fucking around and finding out but these jabronies are going to fuck around and take us with em

Did this guy really say they “discovered” a vaccine?

Solidifying my choice to never have kids. People are stupid and going to suffer because of this.

So insane. To clarify, what I read was that the lawyer that is helping hire health staff had himself in the past tried to move to get the polio vaccine revoked. Doesn’t make it any better! Let me know if I am wrong.

I fucking hope the USA collapses before these crazy idiots start to attack other countries.

On the bright side, this is huge news for the iron lung business I just started

Just another ubiquitous life saving medicine not covered by your insurance

JFK Jr was the fuckin Man and they knew he would be and so they made his plane crash😒 we get stuck with the lame ass cuzzo. Hate it here

Get all your friends and families, especially children, vaccinated asap.

The teaser of the Final Season of the USA is edited really well… Looking forward to Episode 1 soon! 🤞🏾

Yeah, but once he legalizes heroine for school kids, Americas reading abilities are going to sky rocket so fast the Chinese will be envious.

I would say this country deserves everything it gets, but I made the reasonable decision on Election Day. Now I gotta pay for 77M dumbasses who were tired of paying $12 for a Big Mac meal.

Not to nitpick, but the petition was filed in 2022, and it was filed by RFK’s attorney on behalf of another client, not by RFK or for RFK.

Jonas Salk is spinning.

I have older relatives who grew up before these vaccines became available. Every single one of them knew kids their age who died before becoming of age. Every single one. That included their friends and sometimes siblings. This was the norm before vaccines. Wealth and privilege didn’t spare President Franklin Roosevelt nor anyone else.

are you


kidding me

got my polio booster , its expensive but im not playing games with these clowns

This isn’t quite right. As far as i can tell, the real story is that an anti-vax lawyer named Aaron Siri (who has petitioned in the past for several vaccines to have their FDA approval revoked, including the polio vaccine back in 2022) is helping RFK jr vet the people he wants to work for DHHS. Which is still pretty bad. 

“Okay but the prices of eggs and milk are still going down, right?”

But we’re getting $3 eggs, right? /s

My fat ass thought this said make pollo great again smmfh

Hope he ends up like daddy

Taking med advice from RFK Jr is almost as bad as taking driving lessons from his uncle Teddy

Can blue science believing states restrict access to cities if there’s a potential one person can kill everyone?

Hard to tell if restricting travel is their end game or they’re just idiots.

i wanna SCREAM

I’m so fed up with this planet

Get me off this rock, someone

They not only wanted this they decorated their lawns with signs that read nonsense, wore diapers and bandages over their ears, and lined up with their little red hats and ‘lets go Brandon’ shirts in solidarity of this tired bullshit.. They get everything they deserve

I asked him how he felt about rabies vaccines on Twitter and he blocked me

Nuh uh, I didn’t vote for this.

Why would they want to bring Polio back?

Can we please close the borders in Europe to Americans if they actually do this?

It’s already freaking insane I keep hearing about non-vaccinated Americans spreading measles abd other diseases in countries where they haven’t seen outbreaks in many years, let’s not add polio to that.

Well, part of America wanted this.

BTW- if you guys don’t start organizing then you’re just letting this happen.

Keep pretending like you care, scrolling on your phone.

Yes, but the family said not to support him.

My cousin had it. I remember as a child watching him walk. Forget about running because that’s not possible. His disease was mild compared to so many in iron lungs.

he sounds like an electric razor when he speaks

Can the FDA just tell him to fuck all the way off or what’s the go with their agency?

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