Male sickness! Ewwww!

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Fun fact, there are studies now that it DOES hit men differently, because of the difference in how our immune systems are tuned. The flip side is that women are more likely to have autoimmune diseases than men.

This is because the way our sinuses are different from women. Our sickness is different because we’re biologically different

I walked off a broken toe, and went to work with 4 dislocated ribs and a separated shoulder. But man does a particularly bad cold, or the flu really take it out of me.

Afaik it does hit men differently

it was medically proven that men have stronger symptoms from stuff like the common cold or flu.

Regardless of that, as a man, you have to complain twice as much to get half the attention.

I honestly have a theory, might be silly but hear me out; wars used to be fought almost all by men. Men would have spent much time together in disgusting dirty places in extremely close proximity with low nutrients for a long time under extreme stress. (Think of long sieges, long treks in hospitable weather etc.)

What if viruses like the common cold/ flu hit men harder because they evolved a different way. They had a different playing field because there were no women. They mutated differently and just affect a man’s body differently than a woman’s body.

I’m not a scientist or doctor but has there been any research to this? And how would you track it?

Is that Bill Murray?


for the old old redditors like myself

Shock and pain are things that are easy to overcome in a sense. This is how you get so many stories of “bleeding out he walked to a hospital 7 miles away carrying his own hand”.

Viruses and infections don’t get to piggy back on adrenaline. You just deal. Men might be extra cautious while sick for several reasons.

If you are in a tribe, getting others sick and potentially killing an elderly or baby is extremely shameful. So you must suffer alone or with the help of a mate.

Women have been in charge of the health of the tribe going back to our hunter gatherer days.

The real question is, are men actually hit harder or have we leaned into the caretakers of our tribe for generations? It would make sense for that behavior to stick around, it tests the ability of the tribe and families to beat illnesses.

Related likely is why there are so many male / becoming a man rituals that are basically stress tests of what you can handle. The tribe doesn’t want weak genetics.

So many upvotes compared to the comments

nice meme … I’m stealing it

Truely a male climate change moment

Left is an injury. Right is an illness. Totally different things. Pain is temporary but coughing up a lung every time you walk 3 feet just sucks.

On one hand.
Sliced my finger open, hobbying.
Where i calmly went to bathroom sink.
Cleaned wound, inspected it, sighed at my accident, dressed it, went to a and e.
Then turned the doctor white at the sight of it.

On the other hand.
Throat sourness will be the death of me.

Many men have not yet developed the ability to expel sickness out of the body through pure willpower.

I’ve come to the unscientific conclusion that it’s because we’re expected to handle serious shit stoicly, so when it comes time to deal with minor shit, we want to be babied.

depends on how much it affects our ego. illnesses are seen as bioweapons and we must be absolutely destroyed by them, thats how we show our soft side. inversely, we cant let people know that an 8 inch rail spike, thats sticking out of our skull, is even an inconvenience to us. we must show everyone how tough and manly we are.

As a guy, I don’t get common colds much at all.

I either get allergies or a 105+ degree body temp. Former is nothing but I think in the latter case I’m allowed to feel like shit XD

It cannot be called “normal” when i see morbid visions during dreaming while sweating my ass on bed

If I get a sinus headache I’m essentially incapacitated until it’s over. I cannot think, I can’t have conversations–nothing. Advil cold and sinus is also the only thing that helps, and it works in like 1-2 hours. It’s amazing.

Too be fair, on the left you have the adrenaline rush to block the pain.

While the common cold is still deadly if you’re debuff to hell

Sending this to my boyfriend

I’ll never understand this. It is almost literally always the opposite where I’m from. Women are almost always the ones who get sick or call in to work. 

My last fever, I was listening to Trench Crusade lore to sleep to because I was too tired to sleep, and boy did that have an effect on my dreams once I did.

It’s not like it’s every time I get sick, but definitely once every few years, I go down for the count in a way that I basically should be locked up in a padded room because I lose track of reality for 12 waking hours or so.

Realest shit

I honestly thought it was the opposite

Real reason, men have different biology to women despite modern times trying to say nuh uh.

Other reason, many men are prone to outside wounds from war – labor – rough housing, while internal pain is close too emotional feelings/reactions which men are prone to bottle up and ignore so when can not it hits harder and unsure what to do with the odd feeling and inability to bottle up and ignore. Also does not help that men can’t even just slap a band aid on it and continue doing whatever caused the wound in first place and let adreline push the man through.

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