Manchester Airport UAP/Drone floating inches above Tarmac. Taken from inside the cockpit. Zoomed/Enhanced. Link in Comments.

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Here is the original footage and pictures.

If this is an actual picture of a UAP, it looks like the best one an average camera has taken.

Okay what in the sam hell is going on

Now all thatโ€™s missing is a cover story from the authorities.

Wow this is very interesting.

What the hell just happened? Is it me, or is there a lot of activity currently happening?

These little sphere drone things remind me of 343 Guilty Spark from Haloโ€ฆ idk if thatโ€™s good or bad.

All jokes aside, the past 2 days have been crazy on this subreddit.

This… ain’t a fucking drone.

If this is real wtf.

Manchester Airport UAP sighting from inside the cockpit.

This was recorded within the past few months. The first officer reported to Manchester Tower. They sent out an ops vehicle to investigate. As the vehicle approached the orb took off. Not sure how many other witnesses there were.

The object descended vertically in 15kts of wind. Was the size of a small car. It hovered perfectly stationary a few feet off the ground.ATC sent out an Ops vehicle. As the vehicle approached the object it took off vertically.

It wasnโ€™t me. It was a colleague who witnessed the event. They were very uneasy and have spent many hours reflecting on the event. I witnessed something several years ago which I couldnโ€™t explain. Several of my colleagues have had similar experiences.

I can only tell you what Iโ€™ve been told. The object was thereโ€ฆ and then it wasnโ€™t. Air traffic would have made the call. Several years ago drones closed down Gatwick. However these were flying around for almost an hour and caused utter chaos.

Yes I believe an ASR was filed over the incident. However it will probably be closed almost immediately as the investigator will only have images and testimony to go on. We donโ€™t have an official way to report UAPs in the UK.

If it was a drone our pilots would have reported a drone and atc most likely would have suspended arrivals and departures. I believe it was reported to atc as an object though. This is all third hand however. When there is anything safety related we file an air safety report.

Meta data? Sorry Iโ€™m a bit of a technophobe. I just have the photos/video that were sent to me via airdrop.

*** Note: I try to collect all info from original post on [X](


Iโ€™m with the what the heck is going on here side.

Source: [](

It’s not perfectly circular. It looks like its outer skin is moving

The sightings are so frequent these days that no one is excited or surprised anymore. Itโ€™s just another news these days. Makes me wonder if this is all intentional just to program the general public so that even if there is a full-fledged disclosure now nobody would blink an eye.

Video somewhere?


Youโ€™re not fooling me. Thatโ€™s Wheatley from Portal

This is crazy

Have the rich fled to their bunkers? That’s when we know to be worried

The X account that posted this has been nuked. It’s gone and so is the post.

Holy shit of this is real and not AI this is remarkable

If this is real they would have cancelled all flights and this would have hit mainstream news. Thatโ€™s the only reason Iโ€™m doubting.

I don’t want to distract from this sighting because I feel it is truly remarkable, however I witnessed something extremely similar back in 2009 when I still lived in Houston, Texas.

So there we sat in my car, my wife and I, in a Sonic drive-in parking lot. We were on our way out for a shopping trip in Houston and we were picking up some on-the-go breakfast. We had placed our order and we were chatting with each other while waiting when my wife noticed what looked to be a black object on the glass of her window (passenger side) so she put it down. Oddly enough, the object was not something on the window but was actually hovering in the sky less than a quarter mile from our position. We had low gray cloud cover that day threatening to rain with about a good 15-20 mph wind pushing the low cloud cover through the area at a steady rate which made this even more odd considering the fact that this black spherical object was maintaining a perfectly stationary position in the sky.

“What is that? Do you think it’s a balloon from a car dealership?” said my wife. “Could be–it would have to be the Jeep dealership based upon our location, so we should check it out once we leave here.” I replied.
It was matte black and spherical without any reflective lighting. Based upon it’s distance from us I estimate it was roughly the size of a washing machine. The fact that the clouds moved in on this object and obscured it and then revealed it again in the exact same position alerted us to the fact that this wasn’t something normal, it wasn’t a car dealership balloon tethered to the ground because it would still move side to side or be pulled in one direction by the wind.

This was an object that was stationary in the sky during a time when the winds were high, and we both made that realization at the same time. My wife said “It hasn’t moved and we’ve been here this entire time, what the hell is that?” She’s a Scientist so she doesn’t question something like this unless she’s entirely convinced it’s something that can’t be easily explained away. The clouds again obscured it as we were getting our food order and by the time I put the car in reverse my wife said “it’s gone, I can’t see it now.” I scanned the sky as we left the parking lot and found nothing. We immediately drove to the general ground location of where this object would have been, which was about 4 or 5 blocks away. There was nothing there that could have accounted for this object.

So I took it a step further and looked into “black balloon” rentals within the area — I knew people in the local commercial advertising market in the area — and I found nothing. In fact, several of the advertisers I made contact with stated that “black doesn’t sell” when it comes to things like this, and these are businesses that have utilized inflatable advertisements in the past such as tethered balloons and remote controlled blimps. As we all know, inflatable purple gorillas drive sales, black balloons do not. LOL This sighting over the Manchester airport brought this memory back to the forefront of my mind.

Da fuq

The apparent simplicity of it makes it a little more scary to me.

Just hope it doesnโ€™t start growing teeth, and eating reality around you

It looks like something i’ve seen in a video before.

It was a metal like orb that crashed in (I believe) a rice field in (I think) rural India. Like 10-15 people where gathered to on a dirt road next to the field watching that weird metal ball.

If this rings a bell for you and you have this video then please post it. I’ve been looking for it for a while.

Of course we have this massive event in the last 5 days that we can’t explain, I showed my friends this image and summed up the events and they came back with “looks like CGI probably just drones secret tech” .

I just can’t win with some people.

Probe, like in Star Wars. Only not a droid.

Someone call cybertron we found megatons testicle

It’s the fucking Saiyans coming down from New planet Vegeta ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

This is astonishing, I live about 30 miles from here, and as I have said before, I saw a UFO 30 years ago, again, around here ( triangle) . Something is afoot. There is a BAE Systems factory up here and the odd airbase too so that might be attracting them, whatever they are.

Go home Sonic. No floating rings โ€˜round here

Any chance thereโ€™s a baby Yoda in that thing?

Am I the only one that gets a bad feeling from seeing all these UFO/UAP/USO just appearing so frequently and brazenly lately ? Or is it that maybe we are just a point were the accessibility of higher quality cameras mixed with social media is just allowing more events like these to come to light ?

I mean, airports are heavily surveilled. So whereโ€™s the video of the orb shooting up into the sky?

People need to stop sharing AI upscale versions of these pictures, it only makes them look fake. The real picture is clear enough.

That long comment from the OP talking about all this BS.. Only two people would believe that. Gen Z and the elderly. Us 1990s born kids have the ability to see through it. Elderly are senile. Gen Z grew up in an era where clout and views on online posts are the world. They’ll believe anything.

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