Many such cases.

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Grew up in Tennessee.

Never ask a youth pastor how he met his wife.

Keep your children away from churches. They aren’t safe there!

Damn 😳 Can’t argue with facts!

She really went to the salon and said “give me the Magneto helmet, please.”

“The Devil made me do it” defense, right?

*Over 30 priests, pastors and youth pastors have.

Kids are safer with drag queens reading books than with any church leader. Church is indoctrination for “acceptable” abuse, period. Mental abuse, spiritual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse….all found in church. Worship at the feet of the tyrant and follow the rules or be punished, you sinner that deserves death.

I pick drag queens every time.

We need to shut down religion until we can figure out what’s going on.

I see they are taking after their Maga leader, rapist.

obligatory r/PastorArrested for those of you unaware..

I wish we could actually have a conversation about this on reddit.

Growing up in Tennessee, I’m glad to see my weird feeling about church wasn’t me being paranoid. No matter what church I was at and I always felt out of place and weird.


It’s like a cheating significant other. They’ll accuse their partner of cheating while they’re the ones actually stepping out. Keep an eye on the accusers, as they will be the perpetrators

American evangelist, the lowest of the low! Pay no taxes and try to shove that beliefs down everyone’s throat, while raping and grooming children!

“Faith leaders”

That’s fake news and maga people will not believe it. I say it’s because some don’t have the brains they were born with.

This is fucking ridiculous…so much for faith

Also I would like to add, there are probably 0 drag queens in that state to begin with

It must mean that those sneaky drag Queens are freaking the priests for their crimes, no other possible explanation comes to mind

Was this posted in 2024 or 2025? I could see it going either way.

Man…. Sad you needed to hide ya kids, hide ya wife… on Sunday morning 🤦‍♂️

This is always the best response to the idiotic grooming and pedophilia accusations; fucking prove it. If there was ever a circumstance where this happened it would be wall-to-wall coverage for months on Fox Newsmax. Should be really easy to find. Yet, I can pull up a preacher/coach/conservative politician any day of the year.

This happens every year. Faith leaders abusing kids isn’t something that happened one time in 1987, or was reported on once in a major local news story – this shit happens every single year.

Priest: “The bible says i can’t lay with another man’s wife… doesn’t say anything about another man’s child. Checkmate atheists.”

everyone else: “The bible says only God can determine whether someone goes to heaven or hell. Let’s get you to your Judgement day.”

From far away, the guy looks like the UHC ceo

But god says those ones are ok

Morally bankrupt people hide behind the false sense of morality that religion gives them. You can pretty much justify anything if you think you have God on your side.

Funny how the loudest moral crusaders always have the darkest closets

This year?

Before removing the mote from thy neighbour’s eye, attend to the beam in thine own.

30 Faith leaders, this a staggering number in a year! WTF are you guys doing down there?? seriously disturbing number, equally disturbing it’s not headlines for every major news outlet 😟

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