Many such cases around.

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Imagine being this rich and this powerful, yet this pathetic.

In its defense, it is very self conscious. This is why it talks to itself on Twitter a lot. It is VERY lonely.

Why’s his beer gut so high up?

Dude made the Cybertruck in his own image…

Sparta: “Come home with your shield or on it.”

Elon: “It’s inside me, somehow.”

Imagine being on ozempic for over a year and still looking 10 months pregnant

Musk is so, so cringey and doesn’t even realize it.

If only he had the money to hire a chef and trainer /s

I do not understand this body type.

I don’t understand. He’s a billionaire. He can fix that no ?

IVF, then surrogacy… this was the next logical step.

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He looks dead inside.

Leon looks like that for a reason. He does alot of gender affirming care, hair replacement, jaw surgery, growth homone shots and testoterone shots. The hormones cause that weird barrel chest and bubble gut.

Ive seen this photo over and over and still don’t know if its shopped

I thought he got personal and other shit to get in shape, I guess he said fck that.

No one will ever love you as much as a malignant narcissist loves himself.

Billionaires destroy democracy by their existence. No more billionaires and world peace

Somebody said he looks like he’s stealing a wok, and now I can’t unsee that.

My daughter was looking over my shoulder and said, “mom, is that a pregnant man?”

Body type: hot air balloon.

He looks like the physical representation of an oniony burp

Duck footed, pot bellied, pasty asshole…

That doesn’t even look like a fat stomach. Does he have something under his shirt?

Elon is having his baby anytime now…

I’m going to be honest. I am not fat at all but his belly gut picture makes me want to lose 20 pounds. I lost 2 pounds today ALONE.

Reminds me of his business partner Trump and how his fans portray him

Motherfucker is a triangle with shoes.

I’ve always said Leon should just go fuck himself and apparently he has. Congratulations on the soon to come hell spawned arrival.

Blimey it’s the hunch-front of Mar-a-Lago

It’s worrying there are so many people who don’t realize the picture has been edited.

Idc how many billions I couldn’t 🤮

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