Many such cases around.

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I heard Ben Shapiro for the first time like two months ago. He is annoying.

Is he the one who hasn’t ever been able to get his wife wet?

For some to be so annoyed about gender. They sure do like to talk about it a lot.

So… there’s only one gender?


He feeds himself by doing the same job as Joseph Goebbels.

He doesn’t know the word ‘parent’?

Making fun of a population of less than 1% is the height of prejudice.

Ben is an extraordinary prodigy. First one I know having such a high IQ score and zero of actual intelligence how to not be an asshole

Is there a โ€œI canโ€™t arouse my wifeโ€ day?

Parent and child are already gender neutral too

Shapiro telling a joke is the ultimate irony, seeing as he is one .

how has no one lowered shapiro into a well yet

Koopa wins


I was trying to understand how small minded, boxed thinking, juvenile minds became so popular and it dawned on me, like attracts like.

Lol, looks like Ben Shapiro’s got more issues than a magazine rack. Can’t tell if he’s a commentator or a comedian!


Sooo how exactly is this a clever comeback?

Ben wrote a book called “True Allegiance” where a big beefy man who totally isn’t Benny’s self insert fights a bunch of terrorists who are all short Iranian Muslims who totally aren’t a reflection of Ben’s inadequacies

I disagree. Jokes are funny.

Is his profile pic Clashโ€™s face on Crash Bandicoots body? Iโ€™ve seen this image like a dozen times and Iโ€™m just now realizing thatโ€™s probably what it is

Remember folks, Ben is so weird about his children sleeping over night somewhere else that he won’t even let his parents look after them for a night. He literally said on camera he doesn’t trust anyone to not do anything to his kids of they sleep over someone, including grandparents

Why does anyone give this turd a platform?

He should just be ignored.

You know what I do when I donโ€™t like something?

I donโ€™t think about it.

Why bother stressing over something when all you can do is think about something else that *positively* impacts you and your mental health?

Sad part is he tells this joke every year, so I’m sure he’s done it this year as well, his sense of humour is as dry as his wifes… well you know.

Ironically, this post gets reposted every week.

So, one joke, but also one meme….both of which are actually wrong and dumb.

Shame the dude has an actually funny profile picture

Clash Bandicoot lol


They learned about a concept and just ran with that shit.

Man with lip filler, microbladed brows, chin filler and an ehanced hairline: “GENDER!!!! HA! HA! HA!”

Recycling jokes is eco-friendly; at least someone’s saving creativity for later!

From a guy Im sure we would all misgender if he dropped his pants.

No lie detected..

Believe it or not you can make more than one kind of joke about genders.

Seems like any two jokes about gender, no matter how unrelated to “I identify as insert ridiculous thing” count as the same joke nowadays.

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