Map that shows how much Ukrainian control of Kursk has diminished

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I’m impressed they’re still there

Aww shucks, so Ukraine is NOT going to conquer the entire russia? Bummer.

The September 10th line was not a front line, it was the farthest Ukrainian forward operating units have been seen. The thing with quick breakthroughs is that when you manage to achieve one, you don’t necessarily control the whole territory, it just means you can get there.

It’s like saying that russia controlled 50% of the Kyiv oblast at the start of the war – they didn’t. They’ve been there, but that’s about it.

Since the front was stabilized in the Kursk oblast, russian advances were much less flashy than this (and this isn’t flashy).

“Russians only managed to regather 45% of Kurst incursion.”

>!edit: how it’s going yr 3day special military operation in Ukraine Russians? LMAO!<
>!you ended up in 3yr war and you are occupied for several months!<

Two years ago, Ukraine was given 72 hours to capitulate, now these guys have been occupying Russian soil since September and that’s somehow not impressive?

ITT a whole bunch of armchair generals that think they know what they’re talking about.

The doomerism about the size of the territory Ukraine controls is strange. The goal clearly was not to conquer Kursk, but to force the Russians to reallocate resources, and to change the conversation a bit.

It shook Russian confidence of the war, proved even a literal invasion of Russia wasn’t a real red line, has stemmed offensives elsewhere and most importantly – bought time.

People whinging that they’re not controlling the same amount of territory they did last month likely don’t understand anything about strategy, or are willful Russian propagandists trying to erode Ukrainian support.

It’s impressive, nonetheless, that they still have what they’ve got. Russia had to drag a third country into this war to diminish their hold that much, Remember that!

Ok but r/worldnews told me Russia lost 1000000 soldiers per day and Ukraine somehow penetrated into half of Russia’s territory

so as I expected, this is the same as the German Ardennes offensive in 1944, just a pure waste of resources. If we talk about their objectives of diverting Russian forces away from the front, it failed. Instead Russian gained huge territory ever since the invasion began in 2022.

This was a failed attempt to divert manpower. Never a wise strategic move really. How Zelensky authorised this Idk, because they were never going to be able to hold it.

They should have used these troops to reinforce the poor men in Southern Donetsk instead of this PR move

I wonder how many thousands of lives Russia spent to get back that little bit of territory.

Pity that Ukrainians weren’t able to close that gap on a river, control it and set up defensive line there.

Didn’t think Russia still had that much Ukrainian territory occupied to be honest.

Could also do to mark on the map the area Ukraine intended to keep long term, which is roughly what they’re holding right now.

They took the fight to Russian land and they’re chewing up Russian soldiers in Kursk and there has been no real Russian advances in Ukraine.

Russian really want to push Ukraine out of Kursk

Bot you very much.

The news would have you believe that ukraine is making huge gains.

the point isn’t to capture any part of Kursk, but to force the Russians to redirect troops and equipment from other fronts, which they are doing. Russia is busy trying to recapture their own territory, it affects their ability to fight in Ukraine.

So it’s working just as they had hoped.

Comment section makes me lose faith is humanity. So many pro war keyboard warriors here that have never been to the frontlines.

There is a weird pro Russian sentiment in the posts in this sub sometimes.

But I was told by the media and r/CombatFootage they’re winning 🤔

Are all these people talking about huge Ukrainian losses and a lot of recent gains for Russia propaganda bots or what? Sure, their rate of advance picked up but they still managed to capture a great total of 1200 sq km since August. 0.2% of Ukrainian territory in 3 months. These are huge gains?? By these standards WW1 was basically a blitzkrieg I guess.

[]( – source for the 1200sq km figure

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Id be more worried about how rapidly Ukraine is losing ground in their own territory. This salient into Russia has been a dismal failure in that it has sacrificed the best Ukrainian battalions and the structural integrity of the defensive line, all to prove offensive movement capability to the western sponsors. Colossal misallocation that has accelerated Ukraine’s defeat

Eventually they’ll get pushed back but it’s very surprising they were able to get into Kursk to begin with.

Take in mind that the main focus of this operation was to make sure that there is no second invasion in the sumy region like the second invasion in the charkiv region. Main purpose of the charkiv operation ist to come close to the city, so they could use artillery on the civil population.

Wonder what part of russia ukraine would invade next.

“we’ll be in moscow by summer!”

Would it be smart to invest more resources into the invasion into the Kursk region?

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