María Carmen García received a prison sentence for killing the man who had raped her 13-year-old daughter by pouring gasoline on him and setting him on fire after he taunted her

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One thing for sure, she’s treated like a fucking boss in prison. She earned that kind of respect.

She should’ve been given a medal not a life sentence

Not all heroes wear capes.

I’d like to fix the headline –

Maria Carmen Garcia was verbally assaulted by the man that raped her daughter. She had a temporary mental breakdown and protected her child from a future rape.

Light ’em up! 🔥

How long did she get plz? I’d like to write to her and congratulate her on being a great mother

So the guy was outside jail or something ?

That he taunted her, tells he did it without even a little if doubt..

Mother of the Year! 👏👏👏

That’s a hero right there. The justice system is BS.

She deserved a medal.

She should have been freed and posted at the nearest Boy Scouts hall as a guide.

A true hero.

Well played madam.

Not all heroes wear capes 👑

Someone found out.

I give her a 10/10 *standing ovation*

This woman is a fucking legend.

I don’t condone violence but when it comes to your children, there are no laws that can protect those who have committed such destructive acts of evil.

Burn all Ped0s 🔥🔥🔥

She’s a hero!!!

Why law always f***s victim or their family when they try to defend themselves or their honor yet same law permits guns as means of defence yada yada

Isn’t it ironic

Let’s goo


True Hero!

I like her already ‼️

She deserves recognition not jail time

Not all Hero wear caps. Set her free

She did nothing wrong.

Interesting how I just watched Dear Zachary, still weeping. That Turner woman walks free and this lady gets jail time?!

I would do the same thing if somebody ever raped my daughter. I wouldn’t pour gasoline on him, but I would damn sure be like guy in the movie Law Abiding Citizen where he straps him down to a table and starts to torture that piece of shit. I’d be like that guy.

I wish it were the case that if one were to break the law they would no longer be protected by the law 🙁

The injustice system at work.

That sounds hot. – Paris Hilton

Are you telling me we can’t be judge, jury and executioner. I am shocked.

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