Mario can’t let go [OC]

By Boldjun
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“This is why I keep telling you you have to stop doing shrooms Mario.”

“If I capture the flag maybe I won’t have to do this anymore!”

Don’t worry, he will respawn eventually

I love the design of both brothers’ faces, great detail.

And then Mario’s claims were denied by his health insurance spurring Luigi to take action.

I wonder if he got the fireworks

Listen plumbers actually make decent money for the little schooling

This is why he doesn’t kill bowser. Mario needs him to not go back to his usual life.

Took me way too long to see the flag pool in the last panel.

Are they working in a war zone? (white flag)

Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbs when Calvin space imagination is trying to jump out of a port hole to escape an alien, only to cut to Calvin dangling out the school window with teacher holding him by his shirt

Why does aging Mario give me Bob Belcher vibes lol

Whoops, there goes gravity

“Do you think there’s anything to these rumors about a secret level, Mario?”

Alex Rider breaks into his late fathers office circa. 2000

First Luigi comic I’ve seen in a month that’s actually about Mario and Luigi

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