Marriage Rates Drop

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In 1950 women couldn’t have their own credit cards, checking accounts, own their own homes, etc. without a man on the paperwork.

I like today better.

Conservatives KNOW this is a result of women’s rights. That’s why they are trying to eliminate women’s rights. 

Yeah because success should be measured by marriage rates. Also, over 50% of marriages fail so what’s the point in bringing about additional stress and financial burden of divorce? It’s as if people became wiser?

Almost like women are putting careers and personal achievements over men 🤯

Also why is she worried about what women who aren’t her are up to? She needs to mind her business.

Almost like they were able to start fending for themselves. Weird.

They had more options than barefoot and pregnant, blondie🤦🏻

If you can’t convince a woman to marry you without ensuring she has no choice but to marry, the problem isn’t women. The problem is that you’re trash. Be better.

Even crazier is how many 14-15 year old girls were married back then. Let’s talk about why that was bad too.

Life expectancy has risen as well!

“married” in 1950 and “married” in 2025 aren’t even close to the same thing.

Oh back in the good old 50’s when women couldn’t take out loans or get credit without their father’s or husbands permission. When your only duty as a wife was to do anything your husband told you to do. Yup don’t know why any woman would not love that.

Almost like women are prioritizing education over young marriage. Wild.

If divorce rates are also declining then isn’t this a good thing?

Men don’t get married either

It was also right after the war. And they couldn’t divorce. And needed husbands for getting mortgages and such.

Like wow. When people have options, they choose different things. Wild.

I also bet you have…..the same numbers for men, too! And even stay at home dads. And people who work from home. And there isn’t lead in the water and air. WhAt iS tHiS mAdNeSs.

Dude, nearly noone should get married by age 24, have you seen people that age, you think they can make major decisions about life at that age

In 1950 women weren’t allowed to have a bank account.

Being able to have their own bank accounts, credit lines, homes, and careers without the signature or presence of a man will do that. Not to mention no fault divorce, giving them an out from shit or loveless marriages.

It just means us guys have to put in real effort now in relationships, not be abusive shitbags, and stop taking things for granted. I know incels hate this fact, but too fucking bad, that is our world now, and I’m all for it.

yeah, but now men are pissed af that they no longer “control the means of (human) production” and want to take back control of our bodies and reproduction from us. Patriarchy IS capitalism. separate the worker from the means of production. siphon off all their labor. control their every move.

NO MORE. we are 50% of the fucking WORLD. I will NOT sit here and let them turn us back into property.

we don’t need to be physically stronger than them. for all of human history, we have ALWAYS augmented our strengths and weaknesses with tools. we don’t need to be stronger than a man. we just need to carry a tool that is.

Women’s rights are such a fragile thing. I see women are very strong and independent. So with that viewpoint it’s hard for me to understand how women are so completely controlled in other parts of the world. Burkas hair coverings etc. zero education can’t even drive. I seriously feel like the women should have gotten together and revolted by now.

Marriage doesn’t equal happiness. But I do think it makes people less alone. Women are not property though.

The right (of both sexes) to learn how to tell the difference between being in love vs being horny.

It wasn’t until 1974 that all citizen women in the US had the ability to open a bank account without a man’s signature.

Financial and social freedoms allow women to not depend on men…Who knew???

Women have more options nowadays.

I can’t imagine being married at age 20-24. I felt like such a kid. Met me right a week before my 24th bday and we married 4 years later.

They gained rights and birth control.

And freedom.

Since then, women could get credit cards and bank accounts without needing a husband.

Single parenting became normalized and overall, women no longer had to attach themselves to a man to gain value and social standing. They can now get all of that on their own.

Lo and behold, women with rights and freedoms aren’t so eager to marry. Who could have seen that coming?

Women couldn’t even have bank accounts until the 60s, and even then it wasn’t easy.

They were literally *dependent* upon finding a man to marry in order to *survive.*

Seeing some of these comments, I’m not surprised so many young men are going to die alone.

We got birth control, which substantially decreased the “need” for shotgun weddings.

Indiana has a bill taking away no fault divorce, so I’m guessing that marriage rates will plummet soon. Birth rates are about to plummet, also, as they try to make a fucking zygote a human and give it more rights than the full grown person that they inhabit. They want to make abortion a murder charge.

Holy shit the comments in here are insane. Alot of you are very unhappy probably could use a little less internet

What are the stats for men? If I’m not mistaken, everyone is getting married later these days. And that’s a good thing.

Well it is still a big change

I tell my teen son not to get married unless he wants children and he says no one his age wants children anyway. I ask why and he doesn’t want to go into it. Either gender should wait until they’re at last 30 and get a prenup that spells out what happens if either parent quits their job to care for kids and then get divorced later down the road. Too many self employed people can easily get away with not paying enough child support unless you can afford a lawyer and forensic accountant to prove how much they really earn. If you prove your case, they can fight you to reduce support once a year. Attorneys love it. Justice in family law is only for the rich! I’m in California.

Another issue is the rise in number of heavily disabled children who will never live on their own. The stress tears most marriages apart, siblings suffer and you’ll be a caretaker for the rest of your life. Genetic testing is another must before having children. Then there’s the worsening environment, class and racial divides, lack of support for working parents, etc. It’s no wonder marriage and children are on the decline. It’s too risky for 90% of us.

It’s expensive

I don’t understand this idealisation of marriage. Especially this duty yo have kids etc. There’s literally an overpopulation issue of human beings world wide. I applaud single people or people who decide to have no kids.
They are the only people who do right by our planet. They should be given a reward ^^

In 1950 you couldn’t live as a single woman

everything in my body belongs to me

I couldn’t get my own credit card until I decided to buy a house for myself and 2 kids after my husband divorced me when I was 20 in 1961 because he found a 17-yr old. I worked hard to establish credit, but it was 1978 before I was able to buy a house. I was 37 yrs old; my kids were grown but still at home and I always paid my bills on time, but I still paid cash for almost everything. I’m always surprised at how many people much younger today are able to buy a house but I guess today people charge a lot of things on credit cards and then pay the credit cards. I haven’t had a credit card since the 90s and so just use my debit card for everything now. I’ll die not owing anyone anything and my son will maybe not inherit a house but will have my life insurance and furniture. He may have to get a new roommate, and I hope my niece and nephew look after him since he never had any kids of his own. He is pretty good with money and saves all he can.

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