Martin Shkreli, the man who increased the price of insulin from 13$ to 750$, now living in Queens

By wakkys
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He raised the price of Daraprim, not insulin

me when i spread misinformation

this dickhead raised the price of Daraprim by like, 2000%. he has nothing to do with insulin.

This information isnโ€™t even correct. Why is it being upvotedโ€ฆ?

I was here before the comment section was locked.

It wasn’t insulin though, so why say that? I’m diabetic type 1 so I’m already triggered.

But the drug in question he raised the price of was Pyrimethamine which is an anti-parasitic treatment.

And thatโ€™s how we got Reddit taken away


He has no power, he probably just recently finished his 7 years prison sentence.

In his case, the official justice system worked at least partially.

OP bringing his work home from the target painting factory

Is this a request for a hit? I’m all for it but I wonder if all the capable assassins are busy scrolling through reddit.

When AI bots decide to go rogue. Don’t ever trust shit you see on Reddit without doing due diligence to ensure what you are reading is facts…

Target acquired



Stochastic terrorism is so hot right now…

comment image

Fingers crossed

Vaguely remember him saying that he increased the price and it was mostly targeted towards insurance companies as the price was too cheap to incentivise newer treatments to come on the market and as a result the drug was also becoming less effective

I just remember the explanation being a surprisingly convincing argument for why he did it.

OP it wasnโ€™t insulin.

This may be a joke (which I do think is kinda funny), but these sorts of posts can fuck you over

No he didnโ€™t

When did Reddit become an asymmetrical guerrilla death squad ? Well i suppose its better than a vibe check activity of shouting at the sea out of frustration. Plus side if Reddit gets shut down think how many more redditors will touch grass.

What’s the point of this post?

Everyone likes to try and dunk on this guy, but he was a scape goat for the [EPI pen fraud]( going on at the same time run by Heather Bresch, Joe Manchins daughter. You never heard about it because they were plastering this certified autistic (but in that insanely smart way autistic) all over the news smothering the real fraud fucking over all Americans instead of a few people that never paid the inflated prices. Also what he went to jail for was insanely stupid as well. It boiled down to him using money without asking to make more money.

martin shkreli did the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, but he’s barely had an influence on the system as a whole, and actually faced charges. There are much more individuals and companies out there doing this kind of stuff on a far larger scale who are getting away with it, and which is costing far more lives in the process.

The company he owned gave it to people for free if the insurance company wouldn’t pay for it. Daraprim was created in the 1950’s and literally kills you slightly slower than than toxoplasmosis kills you. You are literally bed ridden the entire time. The new drug his company created kills toxoplasmosis in 10 days and the side effects are less severe than advil. Daraprim is taken by less than a dozen people in the US at any given time because of how rare it is to have AIDS and toxoplasmosis at the same time. People who hate him are standing up in defense of the insurance companies (unknowingly). Don’t get me wrong, he has a very punchable face.


The drug in question was not insulin, it was an anti-parasite drug. And he only charged this inflated price to insurance companies, and was working to make it so that individuals that were not covered by insurance would get it for free.

Be a shame if there was an accident…

It’s like USA health CEO squid games. I’ll watch.

Vice did a decent documentary on him:


tldr; He hiked the prices on hospitals that were required to stock it on their shelves.

Is Reddit just posting hits at this point? When did it become Craigslist?

I’m more mad he’s sitting on a Wu-Tang record he bought for 2 mil that nobody gets to hear.

How hard is it to just fact check before posting something?

As much as it seems like he is a scumbag, and in many ways he is, one of his main goals was sticking it to big pharma and their greed. He is surface level evil, but actually (if we take his statements at face value) he wanted to make better insulin drugs from the increased revenue by hiring R&D workers, and reinvesting waaay higher percentages of the proceeds into R&D than big pharma does. He still livestreams often, wonder what he thinks about this assassination.

Wasnt he arrested ?


The fact that the heading is wrong just shows how misinformation spreads so easily.

The dude is no angel, but he did not “hike” the price of insullin.

“In September 2015, Shkreli was widely criticized when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for theย [antiparasitic](ย drugย [Daraprim](ย and raised its price to insurance companies from $13.50 to $750.00 ([USD]( per pill.”



Oh cool, stochastic terrorism

I don’t even live in the US and have no love for these greedy bastards but I really think you guys are channeling your hatreds at the wrong people.
Their job is to increase profits whichever way possible, if they don’t do it, someone else will be appointed to.
You guys should be focusing on all the corrupt politicians who undoubtedly took “donations” and passed laws to make this possible.

This is not only a post with absolutely fake information BUT itโ€™s absolutely clear what the OP is attempting to do here. I honestly hope an agency is investigating this post and obtaining to find out who made this post. Stuff like this is absolutely not ok

Heโ€™s still a successful stock market trader with a following. I know people who mirror his trades that he posts on YouTube.

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