Mass anti-Elon protests are taking place at almost every Tesla dealership across the U.S. right now

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Good job and also, holy fuck, fuck forced car dependency and stroads

I was at one in nyc that probably had like a thousand people come through, not good at counting ppl but it was a lot

Nice, keep it up folks. Tesla sucks, so does musk.

The best protest is to boycott all the products that Nazi scum is responsible for, no Tesla, no X,

Couldn’t make a protest but I did email their board 

They should be throwing Molotovs. Or aiming a magnifying class or a magnet since that’s all it takes apparently.

Well done America. This is how you treat bullies.

Have fun storming the castle!

Never seen a more unpopular CEO in my lifetime.

His firing has to be imminent

Beautiful! Love it!

That’s the “Dirty-T,” also known as Tucson, AZ, right there!

210 in Cbus

Good! Shut him down!

Would be a shame if someone tested out how bulletproof those cars are

Do not put these stickers on Cybertrucks as a form of protest.


So proud of Tucson showing up

When they burn them down, then they’ll be progress.

Some of the reactions to these online have been frustrating. 

Musk seems to have no problem sticking his fingers into other people’s careers. But even so, no one working at these places is being affected much, you can’t be on the private property anyway.  

The point isn’t to magically convince someone to change their mind about immediately going into a Tesla dealership or service center. It’s to get people to associate Musk and his companies with what the fuck is going on. Most of the actual target is people driving by. 

People are always saying, go protest this or the that, but then there’s always the crowd that is never ever happy with the way it’s done. I guarantee you most of the people going to these are going to other protests at City Hall, etc. lol

WHOA, Wait?! Frys is still in business? …and they sell food now?

Same company that sold electronics (including $100 HDMI cables)?

This picture is a perfect metaphor for America. Commerce keeping people divided while a megacorp looms over them all.

Get the F out of America!

I didn’t know that was happening. There are two in South Florida, I haven’t seen anything there.


Keep it up!

This is what I want to see.

Props to the protesters!

Those are the USAID protestors right there. Wait, I think see Chelsea and Hillary in the crowd!

Who is paying the money?

As if Elon musk is in that building 😂😂

Amazing to see. 

Beautiful work people

Makes sense that all the old retired people and young adults with no jobs have nothing better to do….cope harder 👁️👄👁️

How much is Soros paying them?



Honestly I don’t mean to be a Debby downer but what is the point of this? Literally* no one outside of Reddit even knows this protest is happening. No news Channel is covering it on either the Democratic or Republican channels, no main Reddit “Threads”, no real* person outside of Reddit is like “Oh my God did you hear about the mass protest at our local Tesla shop?”. I live 10mins away from the Brownsville, TX location which I drove by earlier today and no protest at all. Do the protestors genuinely* think they are aconplishing anything? Because I guarantee the workers in that Tesla building are actually laughing in their offices while drinking coffee, not freaking out at all…

I just got back from a protest that ran for 3 hours at our local Tesla dealership in California. What was so hilarious is when we looked through the window and saw the people that worked at Tesla taking one look at our protest growing and they just had this… “Oh $#it we not making any sales today….”

They’re in line for red lobster

If anyone is still buying, why? Just painting a target on yourself and your car.

Why are people protesting Musk?

Where is this?

I despise Musk but that’s the dumbest shit!

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