Massive Cuts to Social Programs

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Because giving poor people healthcare and feeding poor kids is the real problem. It’s not the handful of billionaires with more combined wealth than half the population. And these people call themselves Christians. Fucking ghouls.

Why can’t they just cut Musks subsidies?

If they eliminate Medicaid, 80-90% of rural hospitals will close, and larger hospitals will feel a major pinch and likely have to lay off staff.

The larger hospitals will get overwhelmed because of the closures, and will quickly cease to be functional (30 hour ER wait times, boarding in ER for days).

In short, and not to be alarmist, but the US health care system will crash within 6 months, or shorter, if they go through with this.

Yes, I work in health care. No, this is not scaremongering hyperbole.

How many MAGAs are on Medicaid and SNAP? All of them?

There are two reasons we are at this horrific juncture in American history:

1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠The liberal North humiliated the conservative South in the Civil War.
2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠Obama humiliated Donnie Fraud with a joke at a WH Correspondents Dinner.

That is all.

Technically, murder by funding cut…

Just for accuracy, they want to “find $880 billion in savings over the next 10 years.”

I think that the better solution is to increase corporate tax and tax on billionaires; however, I also want to ensure accurate information is conveyed. Once we start putting out quotes that are inaccurate, we are no better than they are.

The $880 billion in cuts is over a decade so it’s cutting Medicaid by about 10%, not the entire budget fwiw

We need to be accurate when calling bullshit on others, even 10% is a stupid amount of cuts

You misspelled “Republicans are actively trying to kill hundreds of thousands of working class Americans that rely on Medicaid to pay for their prescriptions and medical treatment” my 13 yr old daughter being one of those who wont survive if im left to pay for the meds that she relies on for her survival since I can’t afford insurance.

Unless they also repeal EMTALA, this just foists the costs of indigent care onto hospitals.

Technically, murder by funding cut…

I am elderly and living on a SS pension of around $700 a month. (My total is around $1200 but I have been “penalized” by the SSA for not paying for Medicare Part B while living in another country.)
Luckily, I live on my son’s property so that rent and utilities aren’t a problem for me.

Without SNAP benefits – amounting to about $150 a month – life would be that much harder for me.

And I am one of the lucky ones!

This is ALL about cruelty. It’s a lot like Hitler’s plans to eliminate all the “unwanteds” from 1930’s Germany. “People need help buying food? If they can’t take care of themselves, just let them starve.”

This is evil cruelty beyond belief.

This is a statement of priorities. There’s zero chance anything close to this passes the house and definitely not the senate. This is just the GOP giving a middle finger to poor people.

That’s not in a single year. It’s cuts over 10 years (iirc).

Serious question the article I saw said over 10 years. Tbh idk exactly how these budgets are implimented. Like if its a ramp up or “just” 880/10. It being basically the budget does lean towards a slash and burn.

lol and republicans thought they was going to get help and shit would get cheaper😂

I didn’t think it was possible to make the American medical system worse, but here we are.

202-224-3121 is the government switchboard, tell them the name of your congressmen to get patched through, pass it on!

Consequences of the American voters actions. I really feel for those who voted for Harris though. They tried to save their country.

I hate this. I have a feeding tube that’s saving my life from malnutrition and Gastroparesis and Medicaid is the only reason I’d be able to have this. I’m all my 9 year old has. This is gonna kill me and create an orphan if I lose my insurance. I’m overloaded by everything that they’re doing so I’ve fallen back the last week and coming back to hear all of this is scary. I trust my state to fight for us, though, so that’s one thing, at least.

This is a bit misleading. The parent agency has to cut $880 billion. That includes funding for the FCC, FDA and a bunch of other safety programs. So it isn’t likely all of Medicaid will be cut, but I am sure some will, along with other important protections for U.S. citizens.

Way to vote against your own interests to oWn dA lIbS.

If disproportionately affected are MAGA voters then it’s a necessary evil

Evil has a face.

In that case, I’m not sure why they don’t just start walking around with bullseyes on their backs.

Sounds an airtight self-defense case. Where are all the player 2s at?

People will die. And I hope the surviving family members of those murdered people remember they have 2a rights.

So when are y’all gonna do something about this? Curious from your allies up north. I know the majority of Americans are decent, Constitution-loving citizens.

This almost makes you feel bad for the 90% of Trump’s supporters that are about to be royally fucked… Almost.. Until you remember that they literally voted for this, and fucked over millions of innocent other people in the process… 

We should be asking if you are going to cut, why is spending increasing and where is the money going to?

Well, maybe if enough poor whites on Medicaid who voted for these nimrods die, maybe the others will wake up. Not likely, but maybe.

Luigi was just the first.

880 BILLION. That’s an insane budget.

> “people will die”

Sounds like they’re being kept hostage by corrupt people. “Keep sending us 1 trillion dollars, or people will die.”

They’re cutting $880 billion over the course of several years which is why it doesn’t say eliminating entirely.

This is 100% Republicans fault they voted for the moron and his first Lady trump

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