Massive Valve W

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No need to elaborate further. You shouldn’t have adverts in products you’ve fully paid for.

Steam can be pretty cool sometimes

The only monopoly people arent upset about

When valve finds out devs aren’t giving them their 30% cut.

>Sees the gambling

>Looks at his yachts

>Refuses to elaborate further


Yeah, they’ve had this rule in place for years, only thing they did was make it its own page but game “journalists” did absolutely 0 research on this. Valve didn’t ban or actually change anything.

Except this was already their policy for a long ass time. They just updated the language on the page about the policy… can anyone name one game on steam that forced people to watch ads?… No? Lol people getting outrage about stuff that wasn’t even happening

Thats why steam is goated

1. It was already their policy.

2. They don’t earn any money if you “pay” for the game by watching ads.

3. Corporations are not your friend.

Valve isn’t getting 30% on the ad revenue. That’s why they’ve banned those games.

The hero we need but not deserve

It’s more Valve doesn’t want devs to get around the revenue cut Steam takes with in game transactions. Either way it’s a good move.

Yeah. That shit is what killed mobile gaming. It needs to be stamped out before it infects PC Gaming as well.

Just realise…that when Gabe dies,.,,,, Valve and Steam will become the same evil money grabbin company everything else has become. Because everything is run by MBA sociopaths so all business is cutthroat for profit buissness… And so we all suffer. games, gamers, housing renters, medicine, etc.

We should all fear that day,

What notable games were affected by this?

because they were cutting into their own gambling profits. Valve doesn’t care otherwise

-Runs a game that is full of random skins which lead to an entire skin gambling industry that is plunging thousand of underage men into gambling addicitons.

But of course thats somehow fine. Cant criticize mister i have ten yachts from underage skin gambling Gaben.

How is putting an ad into a game that gives a player a reward for watching it worse for the player than a microtransaction based set up?

The only reason they do it because they don’t get a share of the revenue. This valve glazing on this sub is so annoying, stop thinking a corporation is your friend. They are not.

It’s always been that way. Why are people posting about it all of a sudden?

I find it funny that this came after the Idler sale, where most of the phone game ports were

I’m waiting for steam to be in the mobile market to have atleast decent games coming out made by indi devs

And also I just want bloons td6 in my phone without re buying it

We see ads all day everyday across YouTube, Mobile, TV, Banners, Highway Adverts, etc.

Why do we need it in a game ?


Playing Red Dead Redemption why would we need a Dove Soap ad on the side of the wagon?

Gabe “Godfather” Newell

Gabe is the type of guy who only cook once in a blue moon, but will always make the tastiest food you’ll ever eat

Holy Gabe!

Well… after all, Gabe is our Lord And Saviour.

Gabe is such a cutie patootie

Prime is now running ads in its video content. So now you pay twice.

was it like insta-ban or was a letter/email sent to stop it within x amount days if not banned?

I wonder how long until Tim explicitly allows those games on EGS.

Because that’s exactly what happened to crypto games.

Valve: *moves a chair*

The internet: “OMG Valve invented chairs!”

Do you think if Valve could have captured some of that revenue those ads generated, do you think they would have allowed them to stay?

Hero wee need

Damn imagine being the CEO of some company making hotshot games, the shareholders in the background cheering and frothing at the mouth from all the gains, you’re drunk on success with your revolutionary ideas on how to milk the gamers and then you wake up one day and see your company’s game banned from the most popular platform ever.

I’m already mourning the day Gabe is no longer in charge of Steam. I pray he has a person of indomitable will power and no lust for money to take over for him when he wants to enjoy his retirement

Gambling profiteer.

Besides in game adds that showcase purchasable in game material (skins, battle passes, etc), what games are showing adds??

Anything that forces lord Gaben off his boat playing with his robots puts him in a rather bad mood.

America #1!!!!

I never even encountered this in the first place. What games were doing it?

I’m so happy I got to be a teenager, young adult, and full blown adult while Valve has been what it’s been. I do not look forward to the day Gaben passes/steps down. Not that I’m so pessimistic I think Valve would go completely sideways, but he’s definitely unique among CEOs in the industry.

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