Math doesn’t check out?

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RuneScape’s progressive leveling system means that the experience you need to get to level 92 in any given skill is half the experience needed to reach 99 in that skill (also, the font is the same used in the game).

It’s a joke about a game called ‘RuneScape’

You level up skills from 1 through 99

The amount of experience points needed to achieve level 92 is half of the amount it takes to reach level 99

So 92 is half of 99

Its a runescape player. When looking at the experience required for levels, the experience for level 92 is around half the experience for level 99.

*cries in 3 tick fishing*

Diablo 2 had something similar. Like 98 was half the experience to get to 99. Idk I never even leveled a character that high without hacks.

Runescape meme.

Lvl 92 for runescape players is halfway to max level because the amount of xp it took to get to that level is how much xp left you got until max level, enjoy this knowledge. Its been a running joke for decades now.


This is referencing a game called RuneScape. One could tell by the font.

The way leveling works is that the xp you need is doubled every 7 levels, hence why 92 is half of 99

I was so sad when I first learned this was true years ago.

For more context, there’s 23 skills in oldschool runescape that all go 1-99. To get all 99s for an average person takes roughly 2,500 hours but typically much more as that estimate is based solely if you only leveled skills and did nothing else in game.

It’s not a game for instant gratification. And yes, the chairs we sit on do stink.

I played a lot of Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube. Similarly, the highest level was 200, with 184 being the halfway point for exp.

That reminds me of Wynncraft, the biggest minecraft MMORPG (it is really good). Where lvl 105 is the highest lvl at which you still unlock new stuff, but 106 is the theoretical limit. To reach it, you need to gather all the xp you needed for 1 to 105.

This was introduced many years ago when the game was only developed to lvl 40 and a bug made reaching lvl 41 possible in this way. Now, with each new update, the developers keep this in on purpose

Runescape xp doubles every 7 levels. 85 is 1/2 of 92 and 92 is 1/2 of 99.

EXAMPLE : In Elders scrolls online, PVP. it take the same amount of XP to get from 40-50 as it does to go from 1-40.
So lvl 40 is half way.

I don’t even play RuneScape and even I get this joke.

Checks out.

More like: this guy did not go places as a kid

In RuneScape, 92 is the halfway point in leveling up to 99 which is max level.


Wc lvl?

Palworld is similar to this.

This brings back memories….


Looks like runescape font, probably runescape related…

This is also true in FF7 and a lot of older RPGs

For some reason I thought this was a Six Sigma thing, but runescape makes way more sense for someone to plaster on their car

I remember just casually playing and doing a bit of everything just having fun .

Then some random guy became my friend and taught me fishing.

I went full adhd and hit 99 and returned to him but he was just a casual player who happened to be like lvl 50 or so

Apparently it’s RuneScape, I thought it was a reference to how much hp your character has in Undertale before and after fighting sans

RuneScape leveling.

The other comments being deleted scares me though.

It’s a Runescape meme.

Specifically it’s a joke about how much XP it takes to level up skills. It takes half of the XP it would take to reach level 99 to reach level 92. Exponential level curves and whatnot.

Sounds like a Microsoft download. 1 hout to get to 92, 1 hr to finish

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