Mavericks GM Nico Harrison watches Lakers’ Luka Doncic warm up in Los Angeles

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I can feel the tension in this video

Nico in his head: “I can’t believe people love that fat bastard more than me”

This trade is something we’ll still be talking about in 20 years, what the fuck man

“Look at that disgusting slob. The mere sight of him makes me sick. If his rolls could stop jiggling just for one second, maybe everyone would realize that I’m right and he fucking sucks. Fuck this man in particular.”

He looked mad. This should be a good one.

Doing a quick body fat % calculation

pure hatred in those eyes wtf did Luka do to this man 😭

He’s probably being treated like a king in LA lmfao

He’s looking like a super villain

He probably thinks he stumbled onto the set of My 600 Pound Life

He better not try and act all buddy buddy and go for a dap or something, with the way they’re leaking those hit pieces to the media daily

I hope Lakers crowd does a thank you Nico chant.

That bitter ex amirite?

luka should whip the ball at nico’s face like giannis to harden lol

Bro literally showing up in every teams arena BUT his own lmao.

Fuck Nico

Bro. At first I thought oh Luka just going to play a good game he’s not going to kill them. But now. I don’t know

“Old fat ass lookin’ ass”

He fat

– Nico probably

Yeah keep watching you bum. I hope Luka drop 100 on your trash team

i’m watching you, fat boy


He should feel comforatable at our arena knowing he brought us a fatty generational player lmao

Staring at your ex weeks after you dumped them

He’s like so now u want to work out

The sexual tension is palpable

Everyone watching this game tonight

Nico thinks he’s kendrick but he’s actually drake

He’s actually hate watching lmao

🤣 Nico wearing bright blue like he ain’t trying to hide

Look at him fatly warming up


What is the opposite of sexual tension?

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